Comics industry in India has traditionally been dependent on the foreign publications. Publishers and Distributors believed that obtaining licenses from the foreign syndicates and comics publishers were more easy and cost-effective then employing artists and writers to create local comic strips or books. This started off with Newspaper comic strips, and saw itself being adopted by leading comics publications which entered this picture based story-telling field of India, like Indrajal Comics, Star Comics, etc.
The trend undoubtedly was started when Muthu Comics made its debut in 1972. | |
Muthu Comics #1 (1972) | The publishers were Sivakasi based Muthu Fine Arts, who had Mr. Mullai Thangarasan as the Editor for the venture. Muthu singlehandedly pioneered a generation of Tamil Comics, and was the first to establish the standards for the industry. Contrary to the the Superhero comics adopted by the publications backed up by big media houses, Muthu Comics decided to pursue the riches which were available in the British Genre, most notably in England based, and now defunct, Fleetway Publications. British Genre, unlike American Comics that time was more sentimental, and had a strong story-plot, which is often assisted by a equal dose of Sci-Fi storylines and characters, like Steel Claw, The Spider, Iron Man Archie, etc. (Pic: AkoTheeka) |
So there were no surprises that the stories were well received by Tamil Comics fans, with the only complaint over Muthu being its irregular publishing, which often deprived fans from enjoying the titles uninterrupted. It took 12 long years for that trend to be reversed, with July 1984 marking a new era in Tamil Comics, with a host of 3 new publications joining the foray. |
The first, Lion Comics, from the same publishers of Muthu Comics, with Mr. S Vijayan as the Editor. Mr.Vijayan is the son of Mr. M Soundrapandian, the founder of Muthu Comics. | |
The second, Mehta Comics, from the same Southern Indian city of Sivakasi, competing toe-toe to against the launch of Lion Comics. Surprisingly, Mr. Mullai Thangarasan who was earlier at the helm of Muthu Comics, had shifted base as the Editor of this new venture. | |
![]() | The third, Rani Comics, from the famous Tamil Newspaper publisher Dina Thanthi, based out from the capital city Chennai of Indian Southern State. |
Different types of comic characters, strength in the storylines, magazine’s standard and packaging, Laminated Covers with stunning artwork and color, galored as the 3 newly introduced publishers tried to go one-up to each other, in the process entertaining the Tamil Comics enthusiasts for decades. Mehta Comics soon closed shops, within a couple of years, then being reduced only to occasional reprints often with prolonged gaps. This left Rani Comics and Lion Comics as the two most recognised competitors, along with the legendary Muthu Comics.
Rani Comics, claimed the upper-hand early in the competition by acquiring the rights to feature world famous British Secret Agent James Bond 007, in its line-up. What’s more they even entered Muthu & Lion’s sacred place of Fleetway publications, to acquire Cowboy and Detective stories also into their fold. Much of Rani Comics success in this dream run, relied heavily on its wide distribution network, which was laid well by the most successful Dina Thanthi publication. Another star attraction was their pricing strategy. It maintained a INR price of 1.50 for more than 4 years, and then maintained INR 2.00 for well over a decade. Lion always had to play the second fiddle to this mighty combination, until the popularity of Rani Comics started fading.
Rani Comics, despite all its initial success had to face the law of averages, as it started to lose it sheen, contributed heavily by the change of his Editor, and then bad character and story choices. The latter's translation in Tamil also added to the misery, with Rani finally closing shops in 2005, after a total run of 21 long years.
While looking back at these lengthier run, we could classify its time period into three generations.
- Golden Age
- Bronze Age
- Dark Age
Let’s look into each of these generations, and the characters which were introduced during that period.
GOLDEN AGE: # 1 (August ‘84) - # 90 (March ‘88)
Obviously, the Golden Age starts and ends in the period when Mr.Ramajayam was at the helm of the affairs. Not only he lined up world famous characters, he also added enough varieties, by introducing Cowboy, Wartime, Science-fiction stories in their host of titles, thus going on to establish itself as the best known Tamil Comics during its time. During this time, it was the only Tamil Comics, which even overshadowed the legendary Muthu Comics and its counterpart Lion Comics, by a long distance, both in terms of sales, and wide reach.
Some of the famous comic stars who appeared on Rani Comics, during this time period were: (Many of them were used with original names in Tamil, the exceptions being differentiated with bracketed names)
James Bond 007 Three Cowboys Kit Karson Tiger ஜேம்ஸ் பாண்ட் மூன்று குதிரை வீரர்கள் கிட் கார்சன் டைகர்
Johnny Hazard Shuja Inspector Aazaad Axa சாகஸ வீரர் ஜானி
(Adventurer Johny)மன்னர் பீமா
(King Beema)இன்ஸ்பெக்டர் ஆசாத் புரட்சி பெண் ஷீலா
(Rebel Lady Sheila)
Bruce Lee Billy Buck Ryan ப்ரூஸ் லீ பில்லி ராயன் (Raayan) My favourites out of this genre were: James Bond, Tiger, and the Three Cowboys.
BRONZE AGE: # 91 (April ‘88) - # 288 (June ‘96)
Without doubts it was the time when Mr. AM Saami took over the Editor’s role, after Mr.Ramajayam quit the post. All the hard work done by Ramajayam, was spoilt by poor translation, editing, and story selections. But, one saving grace was that the characters which were introduced during Golden Age, gave him a host array of stories to choose from, so he somehow managed to drag the publication for quite a long time, thus we can call it as Bronze Age.
Moreover, this was the time when apart from featuring the British Genre of Comics, Rani ultimately ended up bringing some American comic characters too, by tying up with King Features Syndicate (many of the stories they used during this time were also published by Indrajal Comics)
Along with the comic characters introduced during the Golden Age, the other notable ones introduced during this time period were:
Thillon Buck Jones Cisco Kid Modesty Blaise Phantom தில்லான்
பக் ஜோன்ஸ்
சிஸ்கோ கிட்
மாடஸ்டி பிளைசி
Flash Gordon Rip Kirby Mandrake Garth ஃபிளாஷ் கார்டன்
ரிப் கிர்பி
முரட்டு காளை கார்த்
My favourites out of this genre, were undoubtedly: Modesty Blaise, Phantom, and Mandrake
DARK AGE: # 289 (July ‘96) - # 500 (April ‘05)
The period, when Rani Comics was clearly on the decline, started with the introduction of a cheaply imitated character out of Phantom’s legacy, called Black Tiger. He was followed by other locally drawn characters and stories, possibly from the North India’s underground publications. Now this says why the publishers always decided against utilizing the local talent. If this is what is in offer, then it better be the way they have agreed on international licensing.
Ironically Mr.AM Saami, who started the slide of Rani Comics, was at the helm of the affairs until the shops closed with Issue #500. During this period, to arrest the sagging sales, they even adopted going in for full-color editions, with a price of INR 5, the coloring of which was the poorest standards of all. Often resembling, that it was done out of water colors, and by amateurs in the business. Clearly, it was meant to end the way it eventually folded.
Some of the famous (?!) comic characters introduced during this time were:
Black Tiger Jadaayu Tyson Agniputra கரும்புலி
இந்திய டார்ஜான் டைசன்
Not much are known about the origin of these titles, except the constant proof that they were owned by Diamond Comics in the North. If anyone can help by sourcing any original references for this title, please log your comments in the section below.
The Dark Age also saw a series of reprints from the golden oldies published in Rani Comics, in their new color format, but none could match the olden glory. There were some famous comic characters like He-Man, Thorgal, who also made their debut as an one-shot during this period. This period, also had the ignominy of seeing a home-made Modesty Blaise Comic Book featuring as an one-shot (thankfully, and obviously without any licensing). It was absurd to say the least, and it only contributed to the downfall by adding more reasons to eventual death of this legendary comic series.
Overall, even though it was hard to see the Rani publication close shops, it was at least satisfying, since no one could bear and witness the nosedive it took from his glorious times. Nevertheless, the memories it left back, were one to cherish for long. So here at Comicology, we will try to map those glorious days by attempting to review the titles one by one.
Note: This blog post is a summary of two Preview posts published earlier in the exclusive Tamil blog for Rani Comics, here and here . The reason for reproducing the same at Comicology, is to introduce the legacy of Rani Comics to other language friends, as requested by some of the regular visitors. It will better serve as medium to advertise the golden oldies released in Tamil Comics industry.
This doesn’t mean that the Rani Comics blog is discontinued. It is well within my plans, and new review posts for the golden oldies of Rani Comics will continue to be published exclusively on Rani Comics blog, while only a summary post with a link back to the original post, will find its presence in Comicology.
Everyone understands that Unicode-rich blogs suffer from the poor indexing of Search Engines, and this is a way to create a workaround for it.
35 ComiComments:
ராம்போ ரஃபிக் அவர்களே,
ராணிக் காமிக்ஸின் எழுச்சி மற்றும் வீழ்ச்சி பற்றி என் ரஷ்ய நண்பர் ஜாக்குவார் ஜோஸ் அவர்களும் இனி அறிந்து கொள்ள முடியும் என்பதை நினைக்கையில் மனம் உவகை அடைகிறது.
ராணிக் காமிக்ஸ் அறிமுகப்படுத்திய பாத்திரங்களில் ஜேம்ஸ் பாண்ட் என்னை மிகவும் கவர்ந்தவர் ஆவார், ஆனால் பின்பு நானும் அவரைப் போலவே மாறுவேன் என்பது மட்டும் நான் எதிர் பாராதது.[ "ஈபிள் கோபுர பிரா" எனும் கதையை படிக்கவும்]
அ.மா. சாமியை மட்டும் குற்றம் சொல்வதில் எனக்கு உடன்பாடில்லை. தினத்தந்தி நிர்வாகிகளின் மேற்பார்வை என்னவாயிற்று? அவர்களின் உதாசீனம் கூடவே சேர்ந்தும் தான் ஒர் அருமையான காமிக்ஸை அழித்திருக்கிறது. இவ்வளவு வரவேற்பை பெற்ற ஒர் காமிக்ஸின் வீழ்ச்சி குறித்து வாசகர்களின் கருத்துக்களை சற்றும் கணக்கெடுக்காத தினத்தந்தி குழுமத்தின் மீதும் தவறு உண்டல்லவா!
உற்சாகத்துடன் தொடருங்கள்
@ Shankar: ஈபிள் கோபுர பிரா.... அடடா ஜேம்ஸ் பாண்ட் இப்படி ஒரு கதையில் கூட தோன்றியிருக்கிறாரா... நான் இன்னும் படிக்க எவ்வளவே இருக்கிறது போலிருக்கே...:)
தினத்தந்தி நிர்வாகத்தினர், எப்போதும் அவர்கள் வெளியீடுகளின் மீது அவ்வளவு அக்கறை காட்டுவதில்லை என்பது தான் நிதரிசனம்.யாராவது ஒருவரிடம் பொறுப்பை ஒப்படைத்து விட்டு அக்கடா என்று உட்காருவது அவர்கள் பாணி. ராமஜெயம் இருக்கும் வரை அதை செவ்வனே செய்தார். ஆமாசாமி கோட்டை விட்டார்.. அவர் கொஞ்சம் சிரத்தை எடுத்திருக்கலாம் என்பதே என்னுடைய ஆதங்கம்.
முதன்மை கருத்துக்கு மீண்டும் ஒரு முறை நன்றி நண்பரே.
ஜேம்ஸ்பாண்டு குறைய ஆரம்பிச்சதுமே ராணிக் காமிக்ஸ் கிக் கொறைஞ்சிருச்சு தல..
மாடஸ்டி தி கிரெட்
டைகர் ரொம்ப நல்லவருங்க...
ஆசாத் நம்ம ஊருக்காரங்க தல..
பில்லி கார்சன் அவங்கள விட குதிரை அட்ராக்டிவ்
மாயாவி டயானா இல்லாத கதைகள் நல்லாயிருக்கும்
Hello Rafiq,Sagnik here!!
It's a really informative post on RANI Comics! One may wonder why I'm taking interest in one comic-series which published in Tamil language only and I'm 100% alien to that! Reason is,in 2007,when I was madly searching for Phantom/Mandrake comics on net,introduced wid Rani comics and learnt few infos like they relied on Ijc stories mostly,B/W pages and of course nice colored covers(much like australian FREW kinda!:)) I donno why even wid P/M they cudn't survive...but can u let us know IF any Non-Ijc P/M even published in there??
PS - I have a list of P/M titles in Rani(from Bryan's site) but the english titles of many of those cudn't identified!! :( u may help there...
@ Suresh: சரியாக சொன்னீங்க சுரேஷ் நண்பரே. பாண்ட் குறைந்ததற்கு சரக்கு தீர்ந்து போனதே காரணம். என்ன மற்ற கதாபாத்திரங்களை கொஞ்சம் தேர்ந்தெடுத்து உபயோகபடுத்தி இருக்கலாம், அந்த காலியிடத்தை இட்டு நிரப்ப.
பீமா, ஆசாத் எல்லாம் வச்சிட்டு மிஸ் பன்னிட்டாங்க.
டயானா இல்லன்னா மாயாவி கதையில கிக் எங்க இருக்கு.
ஆமாம், எல்லாரையுமே தல என்று அழைத்தால் நம்ம தளபதி மற்றும் தள கோவிச்சுக்க மாட்டாங்களா ?
@ Sagnik: Welcome back Mandrake Dude :)
Everyone knows that, All comics lovers are united in their taste for the unique hobby, so I for one was not suprised to see another language friend also showing interest in Rani Comics. The purpose of featuring this post in pure English, was to strengthen that cause leaving aside the language barrier. Moreover, when it comes to medium of Comics, what value does the language have over ? :)
At present I don't know what were published out of IJC. But rest assured, that we can dig in and analyse the list, once all the Mandrake/Phantom IJC's are available widely (all the more possible with the digital project going around with you IJC bloggers contributing to it). I will keep you informed on my findings.
I agree. Indian publishers have traditionally shunned away from the concept of citing the original publications proper title and writer/artist credits. So it's always hell of a task for those comic fans like us, when we try to dig down the source. Time is the only culprit in that effort.
Hope to see your comments more often, here at Comicology, my friend.
By the way why no new posts on your blog for a long time now ?
Dear Rafiq its indeed a very informative post,specially for me who crave for the background history and inner details of the comic publications. Attachment with Rani comics is also due to the fact that they also use to publish Phantom and Mandrake.
I was surprised to find that North Indian famous characters Shuja(King Beema) and Inspector Azad were also use to published by Rani comics,both of these characters were brainchild of Aabid Surti,creator of Bahadur for Indrajal comics.It was also pleasant to know that Rani comics do use to publish a variety of characters including Bruce Lee.
Its Dark Era characters Jadaayu(Jatayu) and Agniputra were taken from Diamond comics,may be Rani comics obtained license from Diamond Comics to publish Jadaayu and Agniputra.
@Dear ComicWorld: Remember that back when you congratulated me on my second blog in Tamil, I told you that I have a cross-promotion plan just for other language friends like you. So, here it is finally. and I am happy that it did serve informative enough for your comic research and passion.
True Shuja and Azad were real hits among Tamil Comic Fans. Aabid Surti really deserves a special mention for his marvellous creations over the years. I will blog more about him when we go down reviewing those titles here at Comicology, which were featured in Rani Comics. Bruce Lee, yeap it was one another one from the IJC stable.
Thanks for that tip-off on Agniputra and Jadaayu. I vaguely remembered seeing them in old Diamond Comics issues, but don't have them in my collection to confirm the same. Could you help sending me some scans of the same, if you do possess them in your vast collection, buddy? I will be grateful if you do.
By the way, Welcome back to Comicology, my friend. Hope to see you more often henceforth.
முற்றிலும் சரி... நான் 96 ஆம் வருடம் முதல் ராணி காமிக்ஸ் படிப்பதை விட்டுவிட்டேன்...
Dear Rafiq,in this post you wrote:"Only a handful of few decided to pursue the local talents, most notably Diamond Comics, Manoj Chitra Katha, and Raj Comics." in which I want to ADD one more publication,without which our comics collection remains incomplete AND in addn this resembles our own history,which is AMAR CHITRA KATHA(ACK)!!
I can say one thing,ACK is something which every Indian shud read,at least once..specially those National heroes/Mythologies/Panchatantra/Jatak's tales etc!!
@ Ramesh: On the contrary, I kept buying Rani Comics, until 2002, even though I never read any of their reprints. I was hoping that they will sometime go back to their original roots, and even subscribed for 2 years when they were about to launch their 500th issue.
But it seems they had long drawn to bring curtains to Rani Comics. In the end, only the true comics lovers were left disappointed. At least we have Lion & Muthu to rely on, so let's console ourselves.
@ MaNdrAke dudE :Dear Sagnik, see how mean I became. How could I miss from mentioning ACK. Maybe since I never seen them in the same league as Diamond, Raj, and others. Because, ACK is indeed the visionary publication, which single-handedly pioneered the fortunes of Indian Comics publishing. Now, I have updated a special mention about it in the post. Thanks for pointing out.
What's more I will also try to make amends, by dedicating a post for ACK soon on Comicology. My way of redemption :)
Hey Rafiq, Another wonderful post. I remember discussing these names with U when we met in Chennai. I want to know which Tamil Publisher published Moebius's Blueberry in Tamil?
Agniputra Abhay was one serious crap of a series, Diamond launched it to counter the more realistically drawn superheroes from other publishers (namely - Raj & Manoj Comics) but failed to woo the readers. Other titles were printed as supplimenting stories to fill up the pages of Tau Ji etc. I don't know if they ever came up with Full Fledged comics of Jataayu etc. There was one more Jatayu which was published by Manoj Comics, but I think that character looked bit different than this.
Will wait for your posts on Aabid Surti, I think he was/and still is a true visionary one on the lines of Eisner I must say. Have met him couple of times. Hope you have checked out that post on my Chitrakathaa Blog :)
Nice post, got to learn a lot from it. waiting for your next post.
@ Toonfactory: Dear Alok, Thanks for return comment. I remember that eventual meet too, and have kept my promise to write more about those gems which were published in Tamil Comics. There are more to go, though :).
Thanks for shedding some light on the failed attempts of Diamond with Agniputra, Jataayu attempts. I guess there is no need to explore much on them, as it seems to be a lost cause :).Isn't it ironic to hear that the same failed attempts of Diamond Comics to ape the success of Raj Comics, was also the reason why Tamil based Rani Comics closed shops??
How could I miss your posts on Aabidji? In fact, that will serve as a medium for my posts, on the famous creations of Aabidji, which featured in Tamil Comics. Aabidji does certainly deserve a special mention at Comicology. Thanks to you and your write-up.
By the way, Blueberry was published by Muthu Comics, another famous brand from the Sivakasi based Prakash Publishers. A Blueberry exclusive post, is due on Comicology soon, so I will try to document them over there. Stay Tuned, my friend, I know you will :).
பின்னுட்டம் இட சற்று தாமதமாகிவிட்டது. நீங்கள் குறிப்பிட்ட Dark Age வந்த ராணி காமிக்ஸ் எதையும் நான் படித்து இல்லை . போக போக கதை எதுவும் சரியாய் அமையாததால் நான் ஒரு காலத்தில் ராணி காமிக்ஸ் வாங்குவதையே நிறுத்திவிட்டேன். சிறுவயதில் படித்த முரட்டு காளை கார்த் நினைவு படுத்தியதற்கு நன்றி .
@ Limat:லிமட், எப்போது மாயாவியையும், மாடஸ்தியும் ராணி குழுமத்தினர் கை கழுவினார்களோ, அப்போதிலிருந்தே அவர்கள் மேல் இருந்த கொஞ்ச நஞ்ச மதிப்பையும் கூடவே வியாபாரத்தையும் இழந்து விட்டார்கள். எனவே நீங்கள் அதற்கு பிறகு வெளிவந்த கொடுமையான கதாநாயகர்களை சந்திக்காமல் இருந்ததே நல்லது. :)
கார்த் அருமையான கதையம்சம் கொண்டவர், ஆனால் அவரை கூட இவர்கள் சரிவர கையாளவில்லை. இனி நினைவில் மட்டும் தங்கும் காமிக்ஸ் பதிப்பகமாக தான் ராணி காலம் தள்ளும் நிலை.
பதிவை சார்ந்த கருத்தை பதிய வேண்டும் என்ற எண்ணம் தான் பெரியது, எனவே நீங்கள் உங்கள் நேரத்திற்கு ஏற்ப கருத்தை பதியலாம், நண்பரே.
aapki post bahut acchi hai....main aapke blog main aapke profile main bone ki picture dekhkar hi aayi hoon.....main bone ki big fan hoon.
@ Neha: कामिकालजि मे आप्का स्वागात है। एक और बोन के छहिते को मिल्ने मे खुश हुआ। येह जान्के आप्को खुश होगि कि मैने एक बार बोने के बारे मे भि एक पोस्ट किया हु। उसे देख्न्ने के लिये येहा प्रादारिये .
कामिकालजि आप्कि प्रसन्श्ता का आवेश रकुनगा। आप्कि अन्मोल न्लाग पे भि मिलेगे। आप्कि नया भेल वाले बापु कि कहानि बहुत अच्छि थी।
YOu could give a list of all rani comics published so far...
Hi rafiq,
Hi... This is Thameem
I love the story IRUMBU KAI MAYAVI lotz but i could't fiont out where it is available... i'm searching in all old book shops... but no use... so pls help me to find that IRUMBU KAI MAYAVI comics.
@ ERB: Well I can certainly work on that :).
@ Thala: I am Sorry, as I am helpless. I tend not to scan any comic fully, as that means that we are breaching the copyright laws, held by the publisher. Even more hard, when the Publisher is still actively publishing the series, and titles.
I wish you best of lucky in your search. You can always check back here, for reviews and news about old comics, dearest to us.
Hi rafiq,
Hi Neha
Jan kar acca laga ki Tamil Telugu ke saath saath Hindi medium se bhi communication ho sakta he, superb....... please write more, lovz- Sadiq, Ahmedabad
>> BRONZE AGE: # 91 (April ‘84) - # 288 (June ‘96)
Dear Rafiq, could you please correct the above time line to
BRONZE AGE: # 91 (April ‘88) - # 288 (June ‘96)
Karthik - Bladepedia
இந்த புக் படிக்கிற பழக்கம் எப்போ ஆரம்பிச்சதுன்னு தெரியல. ஆனா 5 ம்
வகுப்பு படிக்கும் போது ஆரம்பிச்சதுன்னு நினைக்கிறேன்... சரியா மாதம் முத
தேதியும் 15 தேதியும் இந்த புக்க வாங்கிடுவேன். ஆனா இது பழக்கம் ஆகல வெறி
ஆய்டுச்சி. அப்புறம் எந்த பழைய கடைய பார்த்தாலும் உள்ள தேடி ராணி காமிக்ஸ்
இருந்தா பாதி விலைக்கு வாங்கிடுவேன். இப்படியே நாங்க வீடு மாறினாலும் இந்த
புக்க மட்டும் தனி பெட்டில வச்சி கொண்டு போய்டுவேன்......... எங்கிட்ட
இருக்குற புக் படிக்கவே எனக்கு நிறைய நண்பர்கள் உண்டு. பாடத்துல இருந்து
கேள்வி கேட்டா தெரியாது.... ஆனா ஒரு புக் ஓட கதைய சொன்ன அது என்ன புக்
எத்தனையாவது புக்னு சரியா சொல்லுவேன். எங்கிட்ட ஏகப்பட்ட கலெக்சன் எண்
வரிசைப்படி இருந்துச்சி
மீண்டும் ராணி காமிக்ஸ் எதிர்பாக்குறோம் வருமா?
Thanks @google-c2bb1081f7f327ceeafac8be1ad9f7ab:disqus for the info. Took sometime to refer back to archives, but I did finally make the change :D
I can never forget my school days. When it comes to Rani Comics its all part of my young golden age memories. Even if the rani comics meant to make money just like the other comics, the memories of those who grew up reading those comics can never fade away.
Especially MAYAVI...... I used to buy the old published mayavi comics for more money than the new one during that time.
I just wanted to thank all of the people who have contributed their time and hard work somehow to make a great memorable comics of all time.
That's cool! :) thanks...
I'm William I want again rank comics plz
I love rani comics
I really Miss Rani comics ,
DO YOU HAVE NOW IF YES PLS MAIL TO or call 8015570674
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