Apr 17, 2009

Lee Falk’s Phantom-1: Origins of Ghost Who Walks

Superheroes Lineup One of my foremost thought while starting Comicology, was to base it as a definite place to cover all the comic characters who have appeared in every genres all through the evolution of Comics. It was a highly ambitious thought, but it was a dream too.

So, if you have been following the posts, I tried to base them on different genres and variety of publishers, to fulfil that dream. And I was thinking that I was doing a fair job so far on that account. But, the reality was about to strike.

Phantom Ring Recently, one of the new visitors to Comicology, asked me a Simple Question - ‘Why no articles about Phantom?’. It struck me, and made me ask myself, “why didn’t I think of mentioning about this legendary character so far at Comicology?”. The question made me travel back in time to my first Computer Class, back in school days.

We were all eager to experience our first encounter with a real Computer, but our Teacher had other ideas. “How many of you know Typewriting?”, He asked. After seeing the mum faces, he added “How do you expect to learn something which was invented a decade back, when you haven’t learnt the one invented centuries ago?”. There is no much difference between the question then and now.


In both cases, the fact which comes to fore is that we can’t talk or try to learn about something without exploring its roots. Just like when we talk about costumed superheroes and their impact on Comics on a whole, we can’t skip past the first-ever in their lineage, long before The Shadow, Superman, and the likes, the legendary Phantom.

The No-Show of Phantom on Comicology, could be attributed to many reasons, top of which is that there are no publications which are actively publishing Phantom in India, at present. But, does that really make you forget the legacy of Phantom. Oh No!. I for one, who was mesmerised by this comic character, right from my childhood, can’t think so at the least. So, let me try to make some amends with a series of exclusive posts on the Phantom, as a Tribute to the legendary creator, Lee Falk. I agree it’s ambitious project in its own rights, but let me make an attempt to do it with all its merits.

Lee FalkLee Falk & Pre-Television Era: Lee Falk was the pen name of Leon Harrison Gross, who was born on 28 Apr 1911, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. His Birth year is still a debated concept, with some claiming it as 1905. But, historians through the years have accepted 1911 as the official birth year, by looking into past records, and the one also confirmed by Lee’s eldest daughter Valerie Falk Falbo. Lee was his nickname right from his childhood, but the reason as to why he chose Falk has his surname, is also not known much, even though his brother also, took the surname later.

Right from his school days Falk is known to have a likening towards writing, as he used contribute stories, articles and poems for his school and college newspapers. His extreme command over English, even let him dream to become an English Professor, something which he never pursued later. After completing the education, he started his career as a copywriter for a local advertising agency in early 1930’s.

The 1920s and 1930s, which is often referred as the pre-television era, saw an enormous amount of newspapers released worldwide. In New York city alone, there were two dozen thriving newspapers – The New York Times, Herald-Tribune, Post, Typical Comics Section (1961)News, Sun, The American, The Journal, and so on. So, it meant that these newspapers were increasingly looking to fill their content, and comic strips had become a norm for the same.

It was such a craze that they even dedicated 36 pages to it on Sundays, which was famously termed as Comics Section. This enormous need meant that these were also lucrative times for syndication companies, who were involved with providing comic strips, cartoons, and special features. These syndicates paved way for many great comic creators to come on the horizon in 1930s, which included legends like - Alex Raymond (Flash Gordon), Al Capp (Li’l Abner), Chester Gold (Dick Tracy), and Chick Young (Blondie).

MandrakeMagician So, it was only matter of time for Lee Falk, also to jump on the horizon, considering that he had the writing talent right from his school days. Along with Phil Davis, whom he met in his Advertising agency job, he went on to create his first comic strip, in form of ‘Mandrake the Magician’ in 1934, in an early age of 24. (We will look into Falk’s first comics character Mandrake, soon on an exclusive post at Comicology)

In the same year, Falk successfully negotiated a deal with King Features Syndicate, and the comic strip featuring an unlikely hero in the form of a magician, went on to become a huge hit, prompting the syndicate to ask Falk into creating another comic series for their line-up. In reply, Falk first proposed a concept featuring King Arthur and his famous knights, but King Features was reluctant to feature a medieval age series that time.

Phantom Closeup So, Falk then decided to alter his concept and changed it into mysterious, costumed crime-fighter, whom Falk decided to name as The Phantom, despite the fact that this name was already being used in pulp fiction stories, like Phantom Detective. The reason Falk termed for the same, was that he couldn’t find any other better name for the character he envisioned.

Phantom & His Early Secret Identity: The Original Idea of Falk, was to portray the character of The Phantom, as an secret identity to a Rich playboy by the name of Jimmy Wells. This is how the character eventually made its debut in “The Singh Brotherhood”, the first-ever Phantom Daily Strip on Feb 17, 1936.

First Phantom Daily Strip open withs DianaPhantom is Introduced to Readers in a few days

Phantom Saves Diana

Jimmy Wells  is introducedThe initial episodes, which were written and drawn by Falk himself, introduces Jimmy Wells and Diana Palmer as childhood friends.

He leaves enough clues for the readers to diffuse the link between the mysterious Phantom and neat-cloth Wells. But Falk took utmost care as to not reveal this openly in any of the strips.

Falk continued to draw Phantom for a couple of weeks from his debut, but then recruited artist Raymond Moore, who was then an assistant to Phil Davis in Mandrake strips, to don the Phantom artist role. But you could still see the style of Falk, as he continued to do the layout for the strip for several weeks, before handing over the complete artistic duties to Moore, deciding to concentrate his fledgling writing career, which had touched further medium like Theatres, and Novels.

Mid-way through the first Phantom comic strip adventure, The Singh Brotherhood, Falk decided that he would like to position Phantom away from a city background. Little did he know that at the time of this thinking, his original concept of running the daily strips for a couple of years, was about to be turned into a legendary character in the comics business.

The fact that he didn’t reveal Jim Wells, as the man behind Phantom’s mask, helped him to concentrate on rewriting the origin, which saw Phantom being moved the African jungles. The character of Jimmy Wells was about to be forgotten for ever.

Phantom's Origin being rewrittenPhantom’s Origin Reboots: Falk introduced a scene in the Sing Brotherhood mid-way, to support the Origin reboot, where the evil maniac Prince Achmed, who during a previous meeting with Phantom showed no fear, now is shown fearing the moment Phantom mouths the words “Oath of the Skull” and “Ghost who Walks”.

Phantom's 1st Letter Phantom's 2nd Letter Next, he went down justifying the presence of Phantom in the city, by calling it as a temporary stay, through the scenes, where the Chief of Police showcases the letters he claims to have been sent by Phantom, with a couple of years gap in between.

Now that he had rebooted the origin, he then explained in the following day’s strips, where Dr. James Dodd, explains his childhood stories having encountered Phantom 70 years back, only to be later ascertained him to have a legacy as old as 400 years. The seeds for a fascinating story was laid in fruition with these scenes of the first Phantom adventure.

Phantom and Devil Skull Cave By the time the Singh Brotherhood came to close, readers were left to witness the appearance of

> Devil - the Mountain wolf, which often accompanies Phantom in many of his missions as a trusted ally,

> The mysterious Skull Cave inside the deep jungle, the Home of Phantom, and

Guran and Pygmies> the unknown tribe of Bandar Pygmies, armed with Poisonous arrows, and among them, Phantom’s closest confidant Guran.

As the Singh Pirates story reaches its Climax, the readers get a glimpse of Phantom’s legacy, as 21st Phantom is shown explaining his origin, for the first time, to Diana Palmer, his lady-love.

First ever Phantom Sunday StripPhantom & his Legacy: The legacy dates back to 1525, in London. It was just 27 years since Vasco Da Gama had discovered the Water route to the India, and there were still many uncharted sea territories, tempting explorers and adventures.

A young noble, Sir Christopher Standish (which was later changed to Christopher Walker, the name which has remained ever-after, and said to have been born in 1516), charters on a ship down the Old Thames, in search of far more lands.  He is accompanied by his old father, Christopher Sr.. In later stories, the origin was rewritten, which said that the Christopher Jr. was the ship-boy (to make him look younger), and Christopher Standish/Walker. was the Captain of the ship.

After many months of hard-ship and adventures their ships gets attacked by Oriental Chinese pirates (which was later changed to Singh Brotherhood) somewhere in the Bay of Bengal. Christopher sees his old father slain before his eyes, but their misery is put to rest, as a typhoon strikes and destroys both the ships. Christopher the sole survivor of the ships, then manages to sail with a make-shift raft travelling weeks and weeks to reach a remote shore. Which is what later known to readers, as Bengala.

He is then saved by the Bandars, a secret tribe of Pygmies, who had never seen a white man before. Christopher later discovers the body of a pirate being washed ashore, wearing his fathers attire. He then takes an Oath on the Skull of the pirate that he and his descendants will fight the Singh in particular, and Crime in general. Pygmies had an Prophecy, which stated that a White from the seas will free them of slavery, and believed that it was Christopher himself. The one which Christopher did accomplish, in the process teaching Pygmies the art of Poisonous Arrows, and the entire tribe and the men from the jungle, began referring him as ‘The Phantom’.

21st Phantom Takes OverPhantom replaces Phantom The present Phantom is the 21st of that lineage, which was being passed on from generation to generation, to the eldest male of the family. Most of these change-over’s always happens when the current Phantom is mortally wounded, and he is shown breathing his last inside the Skull Cave, with the next Phantom at his side.

As this change-over happens in secrecy, the world outside sees and fears Phantom, as the single person who has wandered the world for all 400+ years, thus bringing him the famous nick-name “The Ghost Who Walks”. This centuries of fantasized living, earns Phantom a lot of Old saying or prophecies, one of which terms that anyone who sees the face of Phantom without mask, will suffer a terrible death. Something, which helps the Phantom to maintain his secrecy in in numerous battles.

One of the first Comic Books of Phantom featuring Complete Singh Brotherhood Daily Strips (1938)Phantom further reveals that they are bound by oath to not share the secrets of the Phantom, in order to make the people believe and uphold Phantom’s myth. The rule is exempted only to two people who will ever be close to Phantom: is supposed to be wife, and the son who is to carry the tradition. By this he indirectly proposes to Diana for a marriage, which Diana quickly accepts. No wonder that Phantom reveals that none of the Phantom were ever rejected. Doesn’t it sound great, only if this was true with all of us in reality :).

The Singh Brotherhood, the first-ever Phantom comic strip, ran until November 07, 1936, a total of 38 weeks, thus easily making it one of the longest comic strip adventures of Phantom, ever. By the end of the first adventure Falk had taken the legacy of Phantom to a great level among comic fans.

Lee Falk and His trusty Typewriter in 1940s The Making of Phantom: So, what caused Falk to change his original concept of New York playboy playing double life in secret as the Phantom? Falk remained evasive about the real reasons for the story changes, but it must surely have been inner instincts and his love of mythology, the epic (like Shakesphere’s), poetry and real life adventure’s.

He also confesses that he bought in some of the ideas of the Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Tarzan, which talks about a white-man of English origin living among the African natives, and learning their customs and mastery, by being one among them. But Falk had denied that he used the later Tarzan comic strips, to base his character, as he termed them as not the best adaptation to the legendary Tarzan novels. A fact I acknowledge to till date, after having witnessed many comics series, not being impressed of it so far.

Scandinavian Artist depiction of Lee Falk being inspired by Shakesphere and other Artists The Phantom had to has its roots placed somewhere else, which is more exotic and mysterious then the straight look cosmopolitan New York.  It took Falk more than 3 months into his daily strip to base his real origin change of Phantom. The result was what we described in Phantom’s Origins Reboots, earlier.

But that was not all, Falk was still not convinced with the origin stories, even after a couple of years into the Phantom Daily strip, as he went about changing them one by one slowly. As per his early stories, The first Phantom was English, as was the 21st Phantom, obviously. He also says that he was educated in Oxford, further claiming his English origins. There were references to Bay of Bengal in many places, meaning that the remote land he referred to was most likely India.

Phantom in Jungle He changed his English Origin to American, possibly to make him look close the American readers, which could have been a demand from King Syndicates. The Home base of the Phantom was also changed to Africa. Which is understood, as he earlier referred the place as Bengal (which was later changed further as Bengali), and was politically Incorrect. The reason, Bengal was actually state in India, and certainly does not have any African tribes living in there :).

Phantom with Sharks and Dolphins But then again Africa, was also not having all the animal species Falk had described on his Phantom comic strips, which was quickly pointed out by many fans. Falk decided to introduce a story in his daily strip, where he shown a ship carrying wide assortment of animals bound for an overseas zoo, being wrecked on the Bengali coast. Falk’s mastery in writing on show, in there, heavily adopting from the Noah’s Ark legend.

Phantom Pistols (1911) Even though, Falk envisioned 21st Phantom, and his predecessors as armed with guns and weapons, he never wanted to show them as a means to shoot for a kill, even the enemies.  Phantom generally uses his weapons, to disarm his enemies, or shock them during duals. Thus, a legend was born, unlike any of the costumed superheroes who were created during his time or later.

The legend also meant that unlike other caped crusaders of his time, Phantom was not linked to one generation, thus giving the writers the freedom to base their stories with either the current 21st Phantom in the modern era, or choose to feature stories on the earlier Phantoms, who are often shown walking or being part of the historical events in the past.

The earliest success to the series also owes much to the art of Ray Moore, who had a classic touch of drawing the Phantom strips, which to date remains the best example for defining the Phantom to all the later artists, till date. Phantom comic strip, grew from strength to strength, even managing to appear in few collected comic book formats, albeit a few. But, the series success eventually managed to land it on the first colored strip on Sunday newspapers starting from May 1939.

Batman Detective27But there was also another comic character which made its debut the same month and year, in the form of Detective Comic’s Batman.

What relations did Batman have with Phantom? What was the impact of Phantom Sunday Strips over the legacy of Phantom? Did Ray Moore continue to handle the artistic work for Phantom all the years single-handed?

Answers to them will be continued in our next review post of Phantom soon on Comicology:  Lee Falk’s Phantom–2: The Colored Years, and the Competition.

25 ComiComments:

Hiiiya first time me the first.


விறு விறுப்பான ஒர் தொடர் கதை வாசித்த உணர்வு, பதிவின் இறுதியில் வேதாளனின் கதைகளில் வருவதைப் போன்று, [வயக்கரா தாத்தாவின் காதல் அணைப்பிலிருந்து டயானாவை வேதாளர் மீட்க முடிந்ததா]சில சஸ்பென்ஸ் வினாக்களுடன் தொடரும் போட்டு விட்டீர்கள், அடுத்த பதிவுவாக இதன் தொடர்ச்சியை பதிவிட முடியுமா.

1934களில் மாண்ட்ரெக் உருவாக்கத்தில் ஆரம்பித்து, வேதாளனுடன் இணைந்து கொண்ட லீ ஃபால்க்கின் பயணம் பற்றிய தகவல்கள் அருமையாக இருந்தது.

ஷேக்ஸ்பியர் போன்ற தோற்றத்தில் வரையப்பட்டிருப்பது ஃபால்க்கா, அச்சித்திரத்திலுள்ள மொழி புரியவில்லை என்பதாலேயே இச் சந்தேகம்.

வெள்ளையும், சொள்ளையுமாக துரை மிடுக்கில் நிற்கும் குரனின் படம் சூப்பர். வழமையாக கவர்ச்சி போஸ் தரும் குரனை இப்படிக் காண்பது ஒர் இன்ப அதிர்ச்சியே.

மிக நீண்ட காலமாக டயானாவே வேதாளனின் துணைவியாக சித்தரிக்கப் படுகிறார். இதில் ஏதாவது மாற்றங்கள் உண்டா. டயானாவை பல ராஜாக்கள் கடத்தி சென்றிருக்கிறார்கள் ஆனால் அவரோ வேதாளனை மட்டுமே விரும்புவார். என்ன ஒர் காதல்.

வேதாளனின் சொர்க்கம் எனும் ஒர் கதையில் அவருடைய விலங்கு சரணாலயம் ஒன்றைப் பற்றி படித்ததாக ஞாபகம், ராட்சத விலங்கு எனும் கதையில் ஒர் வகை டினோசார் போன்ற மிருகத்தினையும் அவர் காப்பாற்றுவார். வேதாளர் பிராணிகளில் அன்பு கொண்டவர் ஆனால் புலியையும் சிங்கத்தினையும் ஒரு கையால் தூக்கி அடிப்பவர் போன்ற ஒர் சித்திரத்தினையும் பார்த்திருக்கிறேன்.

கால மாற்றத்திற்கேற்ப கதைகளில் மாற்றம் செய்தல், வாசகர்களின் கருத்துக்களை காதில் போட்டுக் கொண்டு தகவல்களை திருத்தல் என லீ ஃபால்க் ஒர் நல்ல கலைஞராகவே செயற்பட்டுள்ளார்.

அருமையான தேடல்களுடன், உங்கள் பாணியில் மீண்டும் ஒர் சிறந்த பதிவு.

உற்சாகத்துடன் தொடருங்கள்.

தம்பி ரஃபிக்,

இன்று தான் உனக்கு என் ஞாபகம் வந்ததா. ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் இப்பதிவின் பக்கம் நான் வரும் போதெல்லாம் என் முகமூடி நனைய நான் கண்ணீர் விட்டிருக்கிறேன். டெவிலும் தன் பங்கிற்கு குரைத்து தன் ஆட்சேபணையை தெரிவிக்கும். ஆனால் இன்று என் வாழ்வின் மகிழ்சியான நாள் என்று கூற எனக்கு ஆசையே ஆனால் கயவன் வயக்கரா தாத்தா என் கண்மனி டயானாவை மயக்கி, என்னிடமிருந்து வஞ்சகமாக அபகரித்து சென்று விட்டான் அவனிற்கு சில பல முத்திரை மோதிரங்கள் பதித்தி விட்டு வருகிறேன்.

அன்பின் ரஃபிக், நான் விரும்பியே வயக்கரா தாத்தாவுடன் வந்தேன். அவர் என்னைக் கடத்தி வரவில்லை. நான், அவர் என்னைக் கடத்த வேண்டுமென்றே விரும்பினேன், அவர் உத்தமர் என்பதால் அவ்வாறு செய்யவில்லை. டார்லிங் வேதாளன் என்னைத் தேட வேண்டாம்,நான் இங்கு சிலிர்த்துப் போய் இருக்கிறேன். நீங்கள் செய்யாத பல விடயங்களை அவர் எனக்கு செய்கிறார். இனி நீங்கள் எனக்கு தேவையில்லை, வருகிறேன்.

அம்மிணி டயானா, தயவு செய்து உப்புமா செய் முறையை தாருங்கள், இங்கே நாங்கள் எல்லாரும் பட்டினியாக கிடக்கிறோம்.வயக்கரா தாத்தாவிற்கு அஸிஸ்டண்ட் யாராவது தேவையாயின் எனக்கு டபாரம் அடியுங்கள்.

வவ் வவ் வவ்- வயக்கரா தாத்தா தந்த பிஸ்கட் மாதிரி இதுவரைக்கும் நான் சாப்பிட்டதேயில்லை, நல்ல சுவையா இருக்கு. ஆனா பொம்பள அனிமல்ஸ் எல்லாம் எனக்கு பக்கத்தால போறப்ப உடம்பு ஏன் டப்புன்னு சூடாவுது என்றது புரியலயேங்கண்ணா- வவ் வவ் வவ்

that was some post, tbh havent read a phantom books since school,
while studying abroad , my vacation here in indai were filled wit
reading comics of phantom and mandrake.. moslty , tinkle too was
on the list, but having read the indrajal comics ,knew abt some
history abt the phantom but now thanks to this blog , got to learn
a lot more of lee falk and how the character came to being, yes thers
a lot in common to tarzan. but totally different concept, between
the both i would always choose a phantom comis if i was asked to
choose 1 frm 2 comics. the art plots , like having ur secret snacutary
a horse , wolf and all the skills u need for a fist to fist fight,
i love the wordins,, phantome moves faster than lightning when he shoots
.lol, all were a part of young kids imagination for our generation,
long live phantom.. i wonder how many of todays kids
would take to phantom, mayb they need to release a computer game.. on ps3

அன்புச் சகோதரன் ரஃபிக்,

வேதாளன் என்னுடன் மோதத் தயாரா?! ஒரே ஒர் நிபந்தனை. அவர் தோற்றால் குரன் செல்லம் எனக்கு.

Wonderful post. Thanks!

@ Siv: I don't want to cut down your enthusiasm, but just to add that I would be more happy if had also left a comment about the post or your personal feelings with the Phantom character along with. :)

@ Shankar: நன்றி நண்பரே. உண்மையிலயே சமீப காலங்களில் என்னை அதிகம் வேலை வாங்கியது இந்த வேதாளர் பதிவுதான். லீ பால்க்கின் அமர கதாபாத்திரத்தை பற்றி பதிந்தால் அந்த பளு அவ்வளவு கஷ்டமாக தெரியவில்லை. உங்கள் கருத்துகள் மூலம் அது இன்னும் எளிதாக காட்டியதற்கு நன்றிகள்.

உங்கள் ஆர்வத்தை நானும் ரசித்தாலும், வேதாளர் பதிவு அதிகம் வேளை வாங்குவதால், மாதம் ஒன்று என்ற வரிசையில் அதை இட்டு முடிக்க முயல்கிறேன்.... மொத்தம் 3 அல்லது 4 தொடர் பதிவுகள் இட இப்போதைக்கு உத்தேசம்.

ஷேக்ஸ்பியர் தோற்றத்தில் இருப்பது சாட்சாத் நம் பால்க்கே தான். அவரின் வாழ்க்கை குறிப்பு ஒன்றில் இருந்து எடுத்த படம். அந்த படத்திலேயே பால்க் என்று ஒரு வார்த்தை இருக்கிறதே.

குரானை இந்த தோற்றத்தில் மிக சிலரே வரைந்ததாக நியாபகம்.... இதிலும் அவர் கலக்குகிறார் தானே.

வேதாளரின் விலங்கு சரணாலயமும் நம் தொடர் பதிவில் தோன்றும் நண்பரே... உங்கள் பாணியில் கூற வேண்டும் என்றால் தொடருங்கள் உங்கள் ஆதரவை. :)

வேதாளன், டயானா, குரன்,டெவில் என்று சொந்தம் சகிதம் வருகை தந்த வேதாளர் குடும்ப உருப்பினர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் நன்றிகள். பதிவை சிறப்பித்து விட்டீர்கள்..... குரனுக்கு ஆனால் வயக்கரா தாத்தா அசிஸ்டென்ட் வேலை கிடைக்க வாய்ப்பில்லை. அது டயானாவிற்கு வேண்டுமானாலும் கிடைக்கலாம். ஆனால் வேதாளர் சும்மா விட மாட்டார். :) டெவில்லுக்கு ஒரு ஸ்பெஷல் பதில் வவ் வவ்... :)

டார்ஜான் அவர்களே போயும் போயும் குரானுக்காகவா சண்டை போடனும்.... போட்டால் டயானாவுக்காக போடலாமே..... சரி சரி ஜேன் கோபித்து கொள்ள போகிறார் என்று நீங்கள் மறைமுகமாக கேட்டு வைத்ததை சொல்ல மாட்டேன்.

@ LIJU: Thanks for another detailed comment buddy. Good that I became a source for your Phantom character enrichment. I should admit also that the Phantom titles which I read durign school days are the one which are still cherished till todate. That childhood fantasy with Phantom characterisation is an irreplaceable feeling. I still get the same enthu whenever I read more about Phantom, and this post only helped to further enhance that desire.

The Old jungle sayings did add all the meaning to the Phantom characters... we will see a list of them in the coming post.... they are almost like real myth

It's better Phantom stays away from PS3 or Computer Games.. I know they would be killed and dethrown if they ever make an attempt... Maybe kids could be more well served, if we could deliver some animation Phantom stories then those stupid game consoles....:)

Thanks again for a well constructed comment with personal touch all along.

@ Prabhat:Thanks for the visit and the comment buddy. No wonder, Phantom is indeed a great comic character among all comic fans.


This post transported me back to my school days. Vacation time was full of Mandrake, Phantom, Asterix and Tintin.

I loved the "old jungle sayings" and the whole mystery behind how the phantom never seemed to age! :)

Please post an article on Asterix comics when you get the time.

@ Sunil:The man from sunnykris.net is here. Thanks for marking your presence at Comicology.

Indeed Phantom has enthralled and enthused generations, no wonder I find another in you. Old Jungle Sayings, the Legacy, the Old Diary Archives..... wht else could you ask for. I will try to cover them as we go through our series of posts on Phantom, sooner.

Mandrake, Asterix and TinTin are my favorites too... We will surely look into Asterix, after we clear up the current set of special posts.

Hope to see your presence and comment more often at Comicology. Happy Reading !!

P.S.: Your blog is one of the few places I hang out for Webcomic. Keep up the good job.

@comicology: excellent background for the blog...that Phantom poster is awesome

@ TCP: Good to have you back. It's indeed stunning piece of work on Phantom, isn't it? Graham Nolan's experience in working for Batman seem to have paid rich dividend on Phantom.

Any comments about this comic post, in general? Good, Bad, Ugly ?? :)

interesting! Especially when I myself was working on a Phantom Batman comparo for http://understandingcomix.blogspot.com/.

But well, good stuff here and overall. A lot of hardwork, dedication and above all love for comics!

keep it up!

@ GK: Thanks for your return visit and comment. Phantom vs Batman is indeed the topic for the next Phantom post in this series, and no wonder you thought of the same topic for your blog. Phantom will always be a favorite comic character for Indian fans, no wonder how it is considered in its Birth country at the moment.

Hope to see you more often at other blog posts at Comicology. Happy Reading !

k, I came in late and probably the news that I am sharing now may be out dated. For those who are thriving to get hold of few Phantom comics can try with http://www.diamondcomic.com/. They have a handful titles left out of old stock. I ordered 3 books as a test at the rate of Rs.30 each and received the books within 4 days. Will be ordering the rest in a day or two. Though the cover pages are not up to the standards, the album is good and each book has two stories filled with action. Hope ya guys will love em, if ya don't mind the paper quality too ;)



This post transported me back to my school days. Vacation time was full of Mandrake, Phantom, Asterix and Tintin.

I loved the "old jungle sayings" and the whole mystery behind how the phantom never seemed to age! :)

Please post an article on Asterix comics when you get the time.

அன்பின் ரஃபிக், நான் விரும்பியே வயக்கரா தாத்தாவுடன் வந்தேன். அவர் என்னைக் கடத்தி வரவில்லை. நான், அவர் என்னைக் கடத்த வேண்டுமென்றே விரும்பினேன், அவர் உத்தமர் என்பதால் அவ்வாறு செய்யவில்லை. டார்லிங் வேதாளன் என்னைத் தேட வேண்டாம்,நான் இங்கு சிலிர்த்துப் போய் இருக்கிறேன். நீங்கள் செய்யாத பல விடயங்களை அவர் எனக்கு செய்கிறார். இனி நீங்கள் எனக்கு தேவையில்லை, வருகிறேன்.

at least one fact is inaccurate, The Shadow did not come after the Phantom. Issue 1 of the Shadow Magazine was April 1931

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