Thanks to all the Comicologists, who loved our special Republic Day post last week, covering Indian based comic characters from the stable of Tinkle. I enjoyed every comment registered in the post, and my replies for the same could be found at the end of the post. To say the least, Jan 2009 was the best month for Comicology, second only to Aug 2007, when I started blogging regularly. It meant, that I had to sacrifice a lot of family ties in blogging about our passion through the month, which I am not planning to do so regularly.
But the number of visits and comments recorded last month, shows that the Comicologists are always appreciative on the effort put-forth, which makes me feel fulfilled. Thanks to all the passionate followers who choose to leave their relative and meaningful comment, to record their presence at Comicology. You are my source, keep me afloat.
Moving on to this week, it is another attempt to rekindle the old memories, by bringing up erstwhile Tamil Comic series from the stable of Prakash Publishers (known for the long running Tamil Comics Lion & Muthu, in South India), Thigil Comics (திகில் காமிக்ஸ்). It was the brainchild of Editor S.Vijayan, who originally intended it as a medium to publish Horror, and Creepy series (famous in the 80’s British Genre), targeted for mature audience.
The Tamil series was introduced in the late 80’s, and it ran for a total of 60 issues, stretching till 1993. Apart from the British Genre, it also touched based on the famed Franco-Belgian Genre, in the process introducing some famous comics characters to Tamil Comics fans like, Ric Hochet (as Reporter Johny), Batman, Bernard Prince, and XIII.
Even though, the series was more heavy on Thriller genre during its later run, the initial issues were full of Horror stories, and I should admit that I was at times scared to collect these issues in tender age, fearing the elders irate at home. I managed to sneak some issues here and there, heavily during its last run, so I obviously missed out on many of these collectible issues. Going by which, our first review of Thigil at Comicology, will be the creepy series ‘The Thirteenth Floor’, issued during its end-run.
The Thirteenth Floor, was originally published in the British Horror Comics Scream! from Mar ‘84. Unlike other comic characters which are largely in human form, the plot-hero of 13th Floor, is an indigenous Computer (Artificial Intelligence, AI, for computer geeks) named Max, which was deputed in the Maxwell Towers, to look after the residents of the tower block. His Mainframe was located in the penthouse of the Towers, with an adjacent flat where its controller Jerry Knight resides.
As it is a common practice in high-rising buildings, Maxwell Towers also does not have a 13th floor (which is just numbered 14, after 12th), due to the superstition associated with the number 13. But unknowingly to its controller Knight, Max had the ability to create a virtual reality in the form of Thirteenth Floor where he could lure anyone who threatened the good of his residents.
Most of the times these troublesome goons are caught when they use the elevator, where Max creates a series of illusions mostly through hypnotism, bringing the innermost fears of those who are tested. While its intentions are mostly to correct the corrupt individual, there were instances when the mental tension, leads to forced heart-attacks resulting even in death. |
This often puts Max in question, with the local police finding it hard to disassociate the list of co-incidental deaths, with the crime scene often in and around Maxwell Tower’s Lift. To avoid such incidents, Max had hypnotically controlled an inmate named Bert, to do his works like moving people from lifts, or in some cases bringing some forcefully to it. The entire series is told from the first person account, with Max being the narrator himself. Despite its scary nature, 13th floor was indeed a fun strip, where there is no stopping to the imagination laced with humour all along, which made this one of the famous series ever published in Scream. The series was continued in Eagle magazine, after Scream was acquired by them.
There were a total of 15 episodes of 13th Floor, with each episodes spanning around 4 pages (A4 Size), with the end of an episode typically being carried over as the start of the next episode, thus keeping the users intrigued by following them passionately every week in Scream Magazine. The Scream series is now a collector’s edition, drawing a high premium price at eBay. I have a tendency to get a cold feet being in auctions, so it’s clearly not my forte.
Now let’s look at our Indian debut of Max, in Thigil Comics.
He is eventually lured into the illusional 13th floor, where Max plays his own money game with him, in a Computer game of Maze, where he considers himself physically partaking as. The emotional trauma, which the guy truly deserves, causes a seizure resulting in his death. Editor’s remarkable translation is shown where he has replaced the texts from the original, with meaningful sentences, in line with the target language. Look at the two scenes, to see the power of Mr.Vijayan’s translation, when compared to the original text. | |
The result is right in front of you to take the judgement. |
The other stories which could be found in this Thigil extravaganza,
- Max confronts two road goons, who arrive chasing a inmate kid of Max Towers;
- Max Teaches lesson to a troublesome paint can kid, for which he utilises the help of his hypnotized inmate Bret to bring the kid into the elevator;
(The Cover art seems to have been drawn from one of the scenes in this story where the kid takes a nose-dive into the streets from the Maxell Towers, obviously in his mind not physically. As much, we agree to believe on that aspect, incredibly stunning artwork, implies otherwise. For the original, refer to end of the post)
- Max decides to punish an arrogant Bailiff, sweetly translated in Tamil as Ameena (அமீனா), who tries to snap the livelihood of an aged couple. The illusional punishment, he goes through in line with his profession, is a top-pick.
- Finally, Max punishing an inmate family, which turns out to be a dacoit group. The climax was little way too-much with brothers killing each other, but don’t say they that ‘What goes around, comes around’.
Again look at what the Trouble Kid is drawing on the outer walls of Maxwell Towers. The original text was “Cheezy Was Here”, which finds it Tamil form as “சின்ன தம்பி வாழ்க”. Mr.Vijayan at his best. A lesson to be learnt for the others who think that mere translation of text is enough to get a comics to the target market (as witnessed by the “Junoon-Tamil” used extensively in erstwhile Indrajal Comics Tamil version). Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 6, 7, 4, 5, of the original episodes finds there place in this issue, in the listed order, due to Editors scissor work (or should we say Computer provess, as in modern way of editing). Editor has also ensured that he takes out the panels from the original content in these episodes where a Police sergeant suspects Max’s involvement in all the incidents and probes it further, before getting fooled by the computer to think otherwise. | & Bret being Hypnotized by Max |
Obviously, Editor would have had hard time editing this particular scenario, which was lazed inside 3 of those episodes, so he promptly cut them away to present the 9 episodes in a little jumbled order. But, a first time reader would not notice this editing work, as the story flows superbly right till the end.
Look at one of the end scenes, as it is typical in many episode’s end notes with Police arriving at the scene, and finding the laid bodies of mischief makes often in the lift. Isn’t it typical like in our movies, where they arrive always at the end.
The Thirteenth Floor, was written by Ian Holland, which surprisingly is a pseudonym for not one but two writers, who worked on it in unison – Alan Grant and John Wagner, who are both known for their thriller works on 2000 AD Series. The artist for the series was José Ortiz. Since the size of the post has grown too big, let’s look at the Bio of these “Three Amigos” in our next Thirteenth Floor Comic post at Comicology (Oops, did I leak out a suspense in here?) |
This Max instalment of Thigil ends with Max re-iterating its stand that he only does these things, to protect its inmates, and to teach the guilty of their sin. He agrees that there may be some unexpected deaths, but it was clearly not its intention. Editor further, makes us all in waiting by announcing that there will be another instalment of Thirteenth Floor with Max returning for a different issue of Thigil very soon. The message from Max also secretly indicates Editors note, saying “If possible, we will meet again”, which is not a text you find in the original version of the same. Clearly, Editor knows how to add his charm in every bit of piece throughout an issue. By now, you would have all understood that that eventual issue would be our next Thigil Comics review post soon at Comicology. |
That is not all, as typical to many Thigil issues, we also have a 8 page feature of Doomcrest Palace inmates receiving an audience from another wanderer who tries to impress the Master Hugo of the Palace, with his real-life story, for a bounty. Does he succeed in that? you can find out by reading the story from Thigil #56. |
By the way, could anyone help me by giving a reference to the Original of this series, which is often featured in the Thigil issues? Pls. mail or add your comment, if you do.
Overall it’s an issue, which certainly deserves its place in your collection, if you are a Tamil Comics fan, with a different taste. Looking at the relative recent past this issue was released, I hope everyone do have this already in your cherished possession. The English Originals can be found on BackfromDepths weblog, if you want to check out. I initially refrained from providing this link at Comicology, as it may be against the copyright of the said content. Anyways, we are only providing a link to another site, so there is no harm done. So enjoy while the content lasts over there.
Before I close here is the a cover from Dell’s 1972 issue, which was the inspiration for this Thigil Comics venture. Mr. Vijayan does have the passion to link up cover arts from different genres to be based on the storyline. All Kudos to him.
And that brings us to the close of this first ever Thigil review at Comicology. Hopefully, you would have found it useful and fun reading, just like I felt while working on it. If so, why not leave your comments to let others know, for which you could use the Comment section below.
Wish you all a Happy Week ahead. Have Fun & nJoY, while I will be back with another post shortly (about which you would have already had a Preview on the Updated Sidebar). Adios Amigos !.
16 ComiComments:
Dear Rafiq,
Very Good Post on The Thirteenth Floor. It seems that XIII is the number which proved to be the most succesful one for Thigil Comics, Going by the Success of these 2 titles in tamil.
Mini Lion seems to be the flavour of the season. Everyone is posting on Mini Lion and this is a wonderful news to all the ComiRades as they will get much better info and beckground of the stories.
I Always feel that once you know the background of the storyline, it helps you to enjoy the story much better.
it is very nice of you to drop the next (advertised) comipost to make sure you get the Comedy Colonel. If i remember correctly, Last year July you did a post on Cinebook and at that time we discussed about this issue.
Way to Go, Rafiq. Cheers.
King Viswa.
COMICS reading particularly the Franco-Belgian stories, published after excellent translation by the likes of S.Vijayan in India breeds intelligent children- is a hypothesis that we were planning to test scientifically in school children, when I was a PG.But unfortunately we could not get comparisons as control as no other publisher(including the Rani) maintained good standards to conduct the study.Soon when we get PGs in Psychiatry in AVMC we will test that hypothesis in some other form Dr Ravishankar.S MD
மீண்டும் நான் அறியாத ஒர் கதைத் தொடரினைப் பற்றி அற்புதமான பதிவொன்றையிட்டு என்னை மகிழ்வித்து விட்டீர்கள். வரப்போகும் காமெடி கர்னலும் நான் படித்திராத ஒர் கதையே.
பதிவின் நீளத்தைப்பற்றி கவலையேன், நாங்கள் தான் கடைசி வரி மட்டும் படிப்போமே. தாராளமாக எழுதுங்கள்.
ஆசிரியரின் ரசனை அவரின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பில் தெரிவது உண்மையே,வளமான ரசிக்ககூடிய மொழிபெயர்ப்பு அவருடையது. ஆனால் இறுதியாக வந்த டெக்ஸ்வில்லரில் சில வன்சொற்களை அவர் தவிர்த்திருக்கலாம் என்றே எண்ணுகிறேன்.
உற்சாகத்துடன் தொடருங்கள்.
Great post Rafiq. Very informative. Guys any news on the XIII special issue from Lion?
Interesting read. There was a movie by the same name in the 90's:
Wonder if there was any connection between the movie and the comics.
ஆசிரியர் திரு.S.விஜயனின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு தரத்திற்குப் பல சான்றுகள் கூறலாம். அதில் இதுவும் ஒன்று.
இக்கதையின் ஆங்கிலப் பதிப்பைப் படிக்க இங்கே ‘க்ளிக்’கவும்.
அடுத்து நீங்கள் வெளியிடப்போகும் ‘சிறையில் சிக்கிய ஆவி’ மற்றும் ‘காமெடி கர்னல்’ பதிவுகளை விரைவில் எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்.
Dear Viswa: Thanks for being first in recorder your praising comment, reminds me of the sweet old days, when you always were the first on every post of mine.
XIII indeed looks likes the success formulae for Mr.Vijayan, breaking all myths about the number :) I too remember about our last discussion, on the Cliffton series. The moment I thought about posting on Mini Lion, no wonder it popped up quickly in mind, since I had already discussed about that series in detail at Comicology over here. Cliffton will be the next yester year Tamil Comics review at Comicology. I too agree on your background theory. Hope to see you more often at Comicology.
Dr. Ravishankar: Thanks for your return visit. By your comments, I hope you are considering me as an intelligent genre. Heheheh.... jokes apart, I wish you all the best on your PG project. Taking Comics as a subject for studies is something I have dreamt about, good to know someone actually trying to make it in reality.
ஷங்கர் அன்பரே: பதிவின் நீளத்தை உங்களை போன்ற நண்பர்கள் கருத்தில் கொள்ள மாடீர்கள் என்று நாம் அறியாததா, அது வருகை தரும் பிறரை ஒற்றி அமைக்கப்பட்ட வாக்கியம். :)
டெக்ஸ் கதையில் வன் சொற்கள் அதிகமாக எனக்கு புலப்படவில்லை. ஒரு வேலை சென்னை வாசி என்பது காரணமாக கூட இருக்கலாம் :) ஹி...ஹீ.
நீங்கள் அறியாத கதைகளில் இதுவும் ஒன்றா என்று ஆச்சர்யமே. பல கதைகளை எங்களுக்கு அறிமுக படுத்தி உள்ள நீங்கள் இந்த சின்ன புடலங்கவைஎல்லாம் முன்பே படித்திருப்பீர்கள் என்று நினைத்தேன்... எது எப்படியோ என் மூலம் ஒரு அறிமுகம் அதற்க்கு கிடைத்ததை எண்ணி நான் பெருமிதம் கொள்கிறேன். இந்த கதையின் ஆங்கில பதிவுகளை படிக்க விருபமையின், அதன் சுட்டியை இப்போது பதிவில் சேர்த்து உள்ளேன்.... நேரம் க்டியிக்கு பொது படித்து விட்டு கருத்துக்களை பகிருங்கள்.
காமெடி கர்னல் பற்றி நான் பூர பதியுமுன் படிக்க ஆர்வமையின், என்னுடைய இந்த பதிவை நீங்கள் முன்னோட்டமாக உபயோகப்படுத்தி கொள்ளலாம். அங்கு ஒப்பிடீஉகு மட்டுமே உபயகோபடுதியத்ததை, இன்னும் விரிவாக ஒரு தனி பதிவில் பதிய எண்ணி உள்ளேன், விரைவில்.
Anony: Thanks 4 ur visit and comment. XIII Special has still not reached the booking limit, but I believe it might be due by the mid of this year. If you haven't booked for it, then it's time to do so. By the way, hope you will leave your name the next time around, to recognize ur return visit.
BN: Thanks for your return visit my friend. I have obtained the movei you had referred to, and eventhough it is of the same plot, but I believe it is more into SCi-Fi, and not directly related to the comic series. It's a mere co-incidence. By the way, I remember that this movie was once nominated for the best sci-fi movie award in some ceremony, which was eventually won by Matrix that year. So, hopefully this should make a good watch. Thanks for referring to the same.
டாக்டரே: சமீப காலமாக உங்களை என் பதிவுகளில் அடிக்கடி காணும் பாக்கியத்தை ஏற்படித்தி குடுத்ததற்கு மிகவும் நன்றிகள். விஜயனின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பை பற்றி இன்னும் பல பதிவுகள் பதியலாம், தப்பே இல்லை.
நீங்கள் கூறிய சுட்டியை நானும் பதிவில் சேர்ப்பித்து விட்டேன். முதலில் செர்காததற்கு காரணம், இதனால் ஏதும் பிரச்சனை ஏற்பட கூடாது என்பதால் தான்.
சிறையில் சிக்கிய ஆவி தான் அடுத்த திகில் பதிவு. உங்களை ஏமாற்றி விட மாட்டேன் என்று நம்புகிறேன்.
Forgot to provide the Clifton Preview Post link. Here it is: Cinebook - Clifton
hi all,hi rafiq....i need to buy these comics where do i get reply
@ Ajay:, this a Tamil Comics, do you want to buy this? Moreover, this issue was from past, so may not be easy to grab one, as it might be mostly reduced to second-hand shops.
If you are looking for other English Comics, then follow the English Comics labels, and read the respective post to know more, before deciding what to buy on them.
Happy Reading !!
can u please tell me how i read tamil comics on the web
Greetings its Max here...
I am currently locked up in a warehouse somewhere in London. Although I have just enough energy to get online! You can find me on the link below....
@ Taufiq: I am sorry dude. By now you would have searched and found the results yourself, but just to update, I don't think there are any sites which hosts Tamil Comics either for free or for a price. You would have to live with hard copies, which are rarely seen, to satisfy your appetite.
@ Max: Good to see you back online, and looks you are all alone there. Let me at the least give my company to you. But don't send your minions my way :)
Greetings its Max here...
I am currently locked up in a warehouse somewhere in London. Although I have just enough energy to get online! You can find me on the link below....
ஆசிரியர் திரு.S.விஜயனின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு தரத்திற்குப் பல சான்றுகள் கூறலாம். அதில் இதுவும் ஒன்று.
இக்கதையின் ஆங்கிலப் பதிப்பைப் படிக்க இங்கே ‘க்ளிக்’கவும்.
அடுத்து நீங்கள் வெளியிடப்போகும் ‘சிறையில் சிக்கிய ஆவி’ மற்றும் ‘காமெடி கர்னல்’ பதிவுகளை விரைவில் எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்.
Great post Rafiq. Very informative. Guys any news on the XIII special issue from Lion?
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