Dear Comikers, Tashi delek. Well, I have said it before, and countless time before then, but there is no harm in repeating the reality. Me is Back. As usual, I am not going to hold you with my whereabouts all this time, which is rightly pushed to the end of the post.
But, what we have has a topic for our current post? Well it’s about Love, and this time for a change, in Comics.
What was the last big news in Comics, you heard about? Disney shooting for Marvel? Obama as a Comic Hero? Asterix turning 50? or Jean Va Hamme’s XIII reappearing the English space? Well, they would have all taken their fair share of the gossips and tête-à-tête’s, but where they able to add up to the personal touch which one news about the famous youth icon in Comics, managed among masses.
Yes, I am indeed talking about the American comics icon, Archie Andrews much talked about Marriage Proposal to (one of) his long time girl-friend, Veronica.
Let’s admit it, did anyone foresee that? Archie has been around since 1940’s, and was known for his romantically run-downs with anyone in the opposite sex. So why does this news turned around all the heads, and made the series which was taken for granted, to enjoy a fresh lease of life.
Well, it’s a sheer concept of touching your inner self, and making your emotions to bind into a series. And what better way than exploring the intimate world of true love to add that essence.
But, Archie isn’t the only comic series to evangelize this theme, even if it could be agreed that he was one of the first in doing so. It is a concept which was used almost by all Comics creators, be it the theme of Love, Superhero, or the more serious Graphic Novel types. It was a way for creators to engage the readers, and get their series into their hearts, and leave a memory in their minds.
Most famous example, could be the most celebrated Superhero of all time, the Superman. Everyone knows that he is the Man of Steel, and one with enormous strength, and abilities. But, he often
had a weak point, a more mortal one, in form of Lois Lane, as his lady love.
Superman, aka., Clark Kent, was an alien, and thus a character which may not be dear to the mortals on this planet. Thus creators found that a theme of love towards a human, could add the panache to the storyline, and indeed it did.
The creators behind the series also found it worthwhile to mix-up another Superheroine, in a Love triangle, when Wonder Woman rose to fame. It is still a untold love story, which is intimate, and comes to fore when both meet in any of their adventures (obviously, other than DC’s Elseworlds series). But, Superman was always shown to stay true to Louis Lane (no matter what was in offer elsewhere).
As many of us know, Superman, isn’t the only DC superhero, to have a love angle in his story-arcs. His most famous counterpart Batman, has many to add too. Unlike Superman, who in his alter-ego Clark Kent, leads a normally subdued lifestyle, Batman’s alter-ego was of the billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. This gave the creators a freehand in portraying love on the air, so
often in the Batman series.
Most notable of them was his romance with the villainesses Catwoman and Talia al Ghul, daughter of the Ra’s al Ghul, one of the greatest enemies of Batman. While Catwoman and Batman romance was uncontrollable at times, Talia was often torn between the love towards Batman, and his father’s rage towards him. Batman certainly had a free ride when choosing his love interest, in all his adventures :).
The Love wasn’t restricted to the DC Universe, it was most famously used in their rival camp Marvel, which produced some of the best comic superheroes of all time, going toe-to-
toe with the former. Most notable out of them was the Fantastic Four and Spiderman.
Fantastic Four, was obviously the first superhero family, to have been introduced in the 9th Art. It was also eventually the first superhero title introduced by Marvel, and went a long way in establishing their brand of comic characters, and showing to the world that a Superheroes could have a family, and still can collectively fight the evil-doers.
The love between Mr.Fantastic (Reed Richards) and Invisible Woman (Sue Storm), was foremost in all the titles, right from the time they were introduced. It eventually turned into a successful marriage, which also encompassed Invisible Woman’s younger brother, the Human Torch (Johnny Storm), into the family fold. It didn’t stop there, as the team also brought into the family, their most trusted friend, in the form of the Thing (Ben Grimm).
The love wasn’t only restricted to Reed and Sue in the family. Johnny, is known for his playboy type, while Ben had his fair share of love trials too. Truly a Superhero family united by love from all corners :).
But, when it came to Spiderman it was a totally different ball game altogether. A series which was introduced just an year after “Fantastic Four family” made their debut, took love to a different level. Spiderman, aka Peter Parker, was portrayed as a young adult, who was torn between his past, his present, and doubts over his future, with an unwelcome responsibility added by power, which he never wanted, at the first place.
Enter Mary Jane Watson, to add some spice to his life, and the series was an instant hit. As Peter and Mary went about different phases of life, where their love turned multiple dimensions, to an extent of hate and separation, and finally a wed-lock.
Often Peter Parker and Mary Jane’s love was cited as an example, as their love was something which was more common you could find in day-to-day life. They were mortals and their emotions human.
Let’s steer past the current direction which the series has taken where the so called creators invented a concept of erasing their memories, and leaving them as just two separate individuals. Well the creators have their own reasons, but I am not getting into them. For me, it’s a sheer insult to those who followed the series for this long.
The Love in Comics, was not only restricted to full-fledged comics, as the Comic Daily strips which predates even the creation of this art medium, called Comics, also utilized the Love to the fullest, in their storylines.
Who could forget the twin classic creations of Lee Falk, The Mandrake, and The Phantom.
While the Phantom was portrayed as a masked crusader, who doesn’t reveal his face to general crowd, the only ones who witnessed him in his humanly avatar, was none other than his favorite charming wife, Diana. There were countless stories which were woven by the pen of Falk, where he put Diana and Phantom’s love in different dimensions, often culiminating in their reunion at the end of the story.
As far as it goes, one of the daily strips which was titled The Wedding of the Phantom (Daily Strip #136), even described in detail the wedding ceremony of Phantom and Diana, in the Deep woods, attended by the famous celebrities, including an unnamed Mandrake. Have a preview of that extravaganza over here.
If that was Phantom, Mandrake had a love interest of his own (and even his best companion, Lothar), in the form of the lovely princess, Narda.
Clearly, Love in Comics had no barrier, either in full blown comics or in newspaper strips.
[Phantom and Mandrake feature inset to this post, was added, as per the request from Comikers through comments]
Coming back to our love concept, it wasn’t only the American Genre, which utilized this to the fullest level. Examples can be found on their other counter-parts in British, Franco-Belgian, Italian, Indian and to a large extent, even in Manga.
In British Genre, unlike their American counterparts, the authors used Love as a subtle reference in their storyline. They made it into a whole new concept, where people could be together bound by a common link, but may not turn into the typical hand-in-hand lovers type. It was left to the readers to diffuse them and consider their relationship, in ways they want.
A best example could be the acclaimed Modesty Blaise series, where the relationship between Willy Garvin and Blaise is often touches a thin line which differentiates, love and friendship. Peter O’ Donnell the writer, took utmost care
that he never compromised that concept in any of his works.
And it is still considered one of the best ways of portraying a man and woman relationship in Comics, without going over the line, as treaded by other comic series.
While, James Bond, an another popular series from British Genre, cannot be played in the same yard-stick, it is pretty clear that all his adventures are filled with romance and love with the women who shares the screen space with him, which went over to a level to be them termed as the Bond Girls.
Well, let’s not damage our love concept by discussing Bond’s romantical adventures. Since we are here to talk about true love, and not puppy love :).
Another Blaise-like love link could be found, in not so famous, British comic series of yester-years which featured Johny Nero and his favourite secretary Stella. Stella accompanies Johny, often in many of his adventures, without him being interested about her involvements. But, it was evident that Stella had a soft corner over the leading man of the series, and it was also reciprocated by Johny, without being too open about it.
But, again it was left to be contemplated in the minds of readers, with the writer never revealing their true nature of relationship. Such was the subtle love adopted in British Genre, on more classical notes.
A look at Franco-Belgian Genre, gives us a plenty of examples of true love. But, unlike their most illustrious counter-parts, France which is known as a Lovers paradise, used the concept of love only in one-off cases or during some rare titles, in a long running series.
Take the most famous comic series from that stable, in the form of Asterix and Obelix. Even when, they don’t have a concrete love interest through the series, often finding solace among themselves with their friendship, Obelix had on and off untold love towards Panacea, which was instrumental in devising few of the remarkable titles of the series, which has continued to charm the readers for over 50 years.
Or take the case of Lucky Luke. An often lone ranger wandering around the deserted counties, with his trusted ally Jolly Jumper (with all due respects to the talents of Jumper, which incidentally is a Horse), was also involved in some romantical run-downs, most famously portrayed in the Lucky Luke’s Fiancee title.
Even the most unlikeliest of heroes, comics has ever seen, Blueberry, also had a love life of his own. Arizona Love, is a title, in which Blueberry disowns whatever he has strived for all his life, to secure the love of his life.
One of the recent examples of a Franco-Belgian product, which is making its rounds in Indian comics space, (thanks to CineBook), on the love lines, is Largo Winch. Another masterpiece from Van Hamme, where Winch is a Playboy millionaire, who
plays the game at the highest level to stay competitive among the corporate politics. Winch has romantical run-downs with anyone who crosses his lifestyle, much like the Bond way. :)
But, where Franco-Belgian comic series, scores heavily on the love part, is with Thorgal series. It goes over with tagline saying that ‘God has put a man to Test’.
But, through this testing times, who gives him support is none other than his love of life, Aaricia. Thorgal is often shown as thinking of a more calm life, with his wife and son in a secluded place.
On Italian Genre, we have a strong case of the most famous character
Tex Willer and his love towards his diseased wife, portrayed in all its true essence.
Tex Willer’s whole storyline or the status he enjoys among Navajos, his adopted tribe, is based on his marriage to his Red Indian wife. There was even one mini series, in which Tex goes over on a revenge path, to punish the miscreants who caused her death.
Or take the example, of Martin Mystere, a comic series which has now been made famous by the TV animation series.
Martin is often accompanied in his adventures, by not only the muscular Neanderthal man - Java, but also by his long-time fiancée, and his later wife, the beautiful, Diana Lombard. Whether Martin stayed true to his wife, all the times, is a big question, but there is no doubt she adds up the woman factor in all of adventures. Beauty and Beast seem to co-exist in there. :)
It was essential, or often the most needed interlude, to otherwise serious plot-work which was witnessed in all of the above series.
When we talk about love, can we miss the Indian subcontinent, which is known to have gifted the world Kamasutra, the eternal love reference guide :). When we come to the Desi reference, to the Indian Genre can you forget the love intrigued in many of our famous myths, and legends.
The best example is the Ramayana and Mahabharata epic which has always been a resourceful concept for Comics to be drawn against.
The love of Sita and Rama, or the love of Draupadi, could they have been drafted any different in the umpteen number of comics which were influenced by them.
Well, it all foretells that Love in Comics, are here to stay. And its a true essence around which the plots are interwoven, if not every time, at least on special occasions, when the writers decide to touch that personal cord with the readers.
So, it was no different with Archie turning his relationship into a long standing commitment. At least, that’s how it has been portrayed, which we will get to see for real, only at the end of the mini series, which has kick started the story arc.
Surprisingly, the story got so much attention, that for the very first time I see Archie Comics being sold directly in Indian stores. Obviously, the titles released are of this mini series, and are priced at around INR 35. A bit costly, but the series marketing was no cheap task.
Well, I have started collecting them, and it’s your call whether you get one for yourself. I obviously, don’t want to miss out on a path-breaking series, even if it was invented for the sake of marketing a product :)
Well, now to our personal blah… blah…. My recent long absence, and why I took this topic to make my comeback are interlinked. Yes, I am no more single. I have lost my bachelor degree, as I got tied to my lady love (not the adventurous type as portrayed by our comic heroes, as it was strictly an Arranged Marriage) on September 27, 2009, in my hometown Chennai, India.
It was a fun-filled event, a connection of two hearts into one, where I also got to meet some of our comics friends, who took a time out of their precious commitments, to grace the occasion.
Even, some of our Comics bloggers and cherished friends, like Kanavukalin Kathalan, Prabhat, Siv, Comic World, and Terry Hooper all decided to take part in my celebrations, by dedicating/crediting a post on my name. Thanks guys, I am overwhelmed by your love.
Not only them, even during the two months time when I went into hibernation, the average user visit to our site, has always remained, steadily the same (as seen through site statistics). I see that people have taken this time out, to explore the archived posts, and get their fill-in. Something, for which I have always strived to keep old posts up-to-date, with the latest happenings on the topic.
And what did I pay them off with, a total absence, a seclusion from the blogging world. Let me admit, I never saw it coming. I never thought that a relationship could take such precious time out of your day-to-day work. A commitment which needs to be showered, with your utmost love. A relationship which needs to be nourished, with time.
Well, I am learning how to be so, and now feel that it could be time when I can get to spend some time on my hobby or passion, while balancing the work and personal life. Surprisingly, my better half shares the feeling, and whole-heartedly let me continue my passion, with a simple advice to watch over the hour clock. It’s a different experience, but something I enjoy at the moment, and believe I can for an eternity.
So here I am again, to bug you with my comics posts, like I have been doing ever. I would try to maintain my regular flow, but excuse me if I default a week or two. But, rest assured, I will always be lurking around, here and our friends blog space. You can’t escape from me :).
This day, 11/11 also marks my birth on this Planet of Love. And I thank everyone of those, who wished me personally, and through emails and SMS’s. It’s good to have a feeling that there are people who love your existence. Thanks a lot guys.
As an end note to this post, I will leave you all, with the famous quote uttered by Arthur Rubinstein: -
“Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back.”
Let the Party Begin !! :)
38 ComiComments:
Me the first... . I will comment....
wow.. wow.. wow...
welcome back ரஃபீக்! :) எப்படி இருக்கீங்க?! :)
காமசூத்ரா பற்றி எல்லாம் எழுதுகிறீர்கள், இது நியாயமா :)). வாருங்கள் அன்பு நண்பரே.
உங்கள் வரவே காதலும் அன்பும் நிறைந்த வரவாக அமைந்திருப்பதில் ஆச்சர்யம் இல்லை.
சிறப்பான பதிவு. உங்களால் காமிக்ஸ் உலகில் காணமுடிந்த ஜோடிகள் பற்றி உங்கள் தேர்ந்த நடையில் எழுதியிருக்கிறீர்கள். அருமையான தெரிவுகள்.
தொடரட்டும் அதிரடி
Beautiful post!
Once again Happy Married Life and Happy Birthday!
புது மாப்பிள்ளை அவர்களுக்கு,
ரொமான்ஸான ஒரு பதிவை இட்டு வீட்டில் நன்றாக ஜஸ் வைத்துவிடீர்கள் போலிருக்கிறது.
மின்னும் மரனம் இறுதி பாகமான Arizona Love ஜ விஜயன் சார் ignore செய்திருக்க தேவைல்லை என்பது என் கருத்து..ஒரு நல்ல காதல் காமிக்ஸை இழந்து விட்டோம்.
என்னை பொருத்தவரை காமிக்ஸில் காதல் மன்னன் ரிப் கெர்பி தான். ஒவ்வொரு கதையிலும் ஒவ்வொரு காதலி என்பதுதான் குறை.
மாயாவி - டயானா தம்பதியினர் அழகான குடும்பத்திற்கு எடுத்துகாட்டு.
Congratulations Rafiq!!!
இன்னுமொரு ஹிட்-விக்கெட்!!!
Welcome back!!!
Welcome back! And welcome to the club of married men. Once you enter you can never go back. :)
Re: the theme of love in comics. Archie comics sell precisely because of that.
Girls are not interested in action comics (not much), both girls and boys enjoy humour comics and in the teen years both like the fantasy of having girlfriend/boyfriend, going to beach, going to movies, hanging out at a eatery etc. :) And the reason for their continued success is that by the time one generation grows up and abandons the comics, the next generation is in place, growing up. :)
Superman is from another planet right? So how come we never questioned the logic of him falling in love with Lois Lane? How can he have babies with her? :)
Great! Congrats!
P.S. Great to see you in a love triangle btw - you clearly love your wife AND comics. :) :)
hello..very nice post..a new comic..& more than that..i saw lois lane comic for the 1st time ever..thanks
Heartiest congratulations!
Just a question,does your wife knows your this special passion and what's her take on it?? :-))
Between, belated Happy Birthday and once again wish a very Happy Married Life,filled with love(and more comics!!) :-)
PS - Once some blogger on TCP blog commneted how his wife secretly bought some 20-30 Indrajals just to gift him on his BD(and she bought those few months back from some old sellers and kept in a hidden place all those months!:o))
I think ALL Comic-lovers like us wish this kinda wifey...haha!!
Bonjour Mon ami,
வாழ்த்துக்கள். சித்திர நாயகர்களின் காதலை பற்றி நல்ல விரிவான பதிவு. சித்திரங்கள் தேர்வில் அவ்வளவு சிரத்தை காட்டியிருக்கிறீர்கள். நேர நெருக்கடியிலும் இப்படி ஒரு பதிவு போட்டு உங்கள் மனதில் சித்திரங்கள் உள்ள காதலை காட்டியிருக்கிறீர்கள். இருப்பினும் இன்னொரு பக்கத்தையும் காட்டியிருக்க வேண்டும்.
. கல்யாணம் ஆன சில நாட்களில் சித்திர நாயகர்களின் வீட்டில் எவ்விதமான சூழல் நிலவும் என்பதை காண்க
இரும்பு கை மாயாவி : இந்தாளு இரும்புகைய கட்டிட்டு என்ன சுகத்த கண்டேன். ஆளு அடிக்கடி மறைஞ்சு போயிடுறான். எங்கதான் போறானோ?
ஹல்க் : இந்தாளுக்கு டவுசர் வாங்கறதுக்கே மாசம் தனியா பட்ஜெட் போட வேண்டியிரக்கு ஆத்தாடி, இப்படி ஒரு கோபக்கார மனுஷனை பாத்ததேயில்ல.
சூப்பர் மேன் : எனக்குன்னு வந்து வாச்சுருக்கு பாருங்க. பேண்ட், ஜட்டிய தலைகீழ போட்டு மானத்த வாங்குது.
இல்வாழ்க்கையில் அடியெடுத்து வைத்திருக்கும் நண்பருக்கு வாழ்த்துகள். திருமணம் ஆன பின் இந்த முதல் பதிவு தேர்ந்தெடுத்தது அருமை .
லக்கி லிமட்
சொல்லவேயில்ல?!!!!!!!!! :( :(
வாழ்த்துகள்.... ரஃபீக்!! :) :) :)
vaazthukkal nanbare!
@ பாலா: Thanks much for the wishes brother. நான் நல்லாவே இருக்கேன்.
ரம்ஜான் கலேபரத்தில் சட்டென்று நடந்து விட்ட படியால், எல்லோருக்கும் மின்னஞ்சலில் தகவல் சொல்லிவிட்டேனா இல்லையா, என்று சரிபார்க்க கூட முடியாமல் போயிற்று. மன்னிக்கவும் நண்பரே. வாழ்த்துகளுக்கு மிக்க நன்றிகள்.
உங்கள் தளத்தில் நீங்களும் பட்டைய கிளப்ப ஆரம்பிச்சிட்டீங்கனு நினைக்கிறேன். நிறைய பதிவுகளை இடைபட்ட காலத்தில் மிஸ் பண்ணி விட்டேன் போல... கொஞ்சமா கொஞ்சமா பேக் டூ நார்மல்ஸ் வர முயல்கிறேன்.
வருகைக்கும் கருத்துக்கும் நன்றி நண்பரே.
@ காதலரே: காமசூத்ரா பற்றி நான் என்ன பெரிதாக எழுதி விட முடியும், உங்களை விட. என்னால் முடிந்த ஒரு முயற்சி, அவ்வளவே. :)
கல்யாண நாள் முன்பே, அதை அறிவிக்கும் விதமாக காமிக்ஸ் ஜோடிகள் பற்றி எழுத நினைத்திருந்தேன். அதை செயல்படுத்த, இவ்வளவு நாட்கள் ஆயிற்று. புதிய உறவின் பரிமாணம் :)
அதிரடிகள் தொடரும் என்றே நம்புகிறேன் :). வருகைக்கும் கருத்துக்கும் நன்றிகள் அன்பு நண்பரே.
@ Siv: மின்னும் மரனம் இறுதி பாகத்தை விஜயன் மிஸ் செய்தது துரதிஷ்டம் தான். அவரின் அருமையான மொழியாக்கத்தில் அந்த கதையை கச்சிதமாக உகர்ந்திருக்கலாம்.
நம் ரசிகர்கள் இன்றும் சிறுபிள்ளைகள் இல்லையே? என்பதை ரிப்கிர்பியின் பட்லர் டெஸ்மாண்ட்டை சுற்றி வெளியான காசில்லா கோடீஸ்வரன் போன்ற ரொமான்ஸ் கதையை கூட பதிந்த விஜயன் கண்டிப்பாக யோசித்திருக்க வேண்டும். என்ன செய்ய, அவரின் முடிவுகள் பல நம்மால் புரிந்து கொள்ளவே முடியாமல் போய் விடுகின்றன.
ஐஸ் வைக்க ரொமான்ஸான பதிவு மட்டுமா, இன்னும் கைவசம் நிறைய டெக்னிக் இருக்கிறது தோழரே.
மாயாவி டயானா தம்பதியினரை பதிவில் இணைக்காமல் போனதற்கு மன்னிப்பு கோரி கொள்கிறேன். லீ பால்க்கின் மாண்ட்ரேக் மற்றும் பாண்டம் கதைகருக்களை பற்றி நம் தளத்திள் ஏற்கனவே இரு பதிவுகள் உள்ளதென்பதால் அதை இந்த பதிவின் நீளம் கருதி சற்று ஒதுக்கி வைத்தேன்.
வாழ்த்துகளுக்கும், கருத்துக்கும் மிக்க நன்றி நண்பரே.
@ முத்து விசிறி/Muthufan: ஹா ஹா... ஹிட் விக்கெட் என்றா சொல்கிறீர்கள்... நான் Caught and Bowled என்றல்லவா எண்ணி கொண்டிருந்தேன். :)
Thanks much for the wishes, dear old friend.
@ KK: Love in Comics, is something goes hand in hand with any personal emotions filled extravaganza, and no doubt could be rated even to the Bang-Bang warfare, duel filled stories too. It's the soft touch, which was used to a great extent in building up the ARCHIE venture, when the Superheroes were ruling the roost, in the Golden Genre of American Comics.
As you rightly had pointed out, No wonder Generation to Generation, girls/boys still love the venture. But, I guess the current storyline is not living up to expectation, as they seem to be portraying all the incidents as some wild imagination in the minds of Archie. Another marketing gimmick apparently, which was well expected first-hand. :)
Thanks much for the wishes and a warm welcome to the Married People's club, dear friend. I hope I enjoy the company :) ;)
P.S. 1: Superman is from another Planet, yes He is. That's why the concept of him and Lois, having kids was not explored much. The intiial concept of Superboy as a kid of Supeman, was reversed to the logic of Superboy being a clone of Superman to just aid that point. I guess, some writers in the Silver Age went overboard in describing the Superman stuffs, so the right sense seem to have prevailed there after :)
So, you are right, no earth born babies to an Alien (eventhough he is as Good looking, as the Superman) :)
P.S. 2: Love Triangle. Well, I hope my wife doesn't obstruct that theory, because it is certainly true :) Hehehehehehee
@ Mandrake Dude: Well, so far she has understood that I share a unique passion towards Comics, and she is supportive of that cause, as long as I spend due time with her, and take enough time off between blog posts.
So, I guess that's something I can live with :) Thanks much for your wishes, dear buddy.
P.S.: Yes, I do remember that incidet on TCP blog, which was romance filled experience which you can share among any comics lovers. Everyone wishes to have a wife who shares your passion, and I am no exception to that list, buddy. So far it turns out that I wasn't disappointed on that account, by God's Grace :)
[Oopss... she is in, so let me whizzz past the comment, ASAP]
@ Josh: பிரியமான நண்பரே, சித்திரங்கள் மீது காதல் இருப்பதினால் தானே காமிக்கியல் என்ற ஒரு பதிவேடையே அதற்கு ஒதுக்கியிருக்கிறேன். :)
அருமையான படங்கள் உபயம், நமது இணைய தேடுதல் இயந்திரங்கள். அதற்கான பெருமை அவற்றை இணையங்களில் ஏற்றியவரையே சேரும்.
சித்திர நாயகர்களின் வீட்டில் நடக்கும் கசமுசாக்களை வெட்டவெளிச்சமாக்கி விட்டீர்கள்... உங்களுக்கு இரவில் கருப்பு கிழவி ஆவிகள் வந்து தொந்தரவு செய்ய போகிறது, பாருங்கள் :)
ஆமா அந்த அடிக்கடி மறைஞ்சு போற ஆசாமி அட்ரஸே வேணுமே... தற்போதைய நிலைமையில் கொஞ்சம் யூஸ்புல்லா இருக்கும்னு நினைக்கிறேன். :)
கருத்திற்கும் வருகைக்கும் நன்றிகள் நண்பரே.
உங்களின் பிரெஞ்ச் வணக்கத்தை பற்றி சற்று தெரிந்து கொண்டேன்.
Bon= Good
Jour= Day
Mon= My
Ami= Friend
கலைநயம் மிக்க மக்கள் கொண்ட நாடு என்பது அவர்கள் மொழியிலேயே தெரிகிறது. அறிமுகபடுத்தியதற்கு நன்றிகள், தோழரே.
துரை பிரெஞ்ஜெல்லாம் பேசுது பாருங்கப்பா :)
@ Limat: வாழ்த்துகளுக்கும், இனிமையான முதன்மை கருத்திற்கும் நன்றிகள், உற்ற தோழரே.
பி.கு.: அப்புறம் நம்ம காதலர் உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தமான ஹீரோவின் புதிய படத்தை பற்றி பதிந்திருக்கிறார். தவற விடாதீர்கள்.
@ Prabhat: Welcome buddy. Thanks much for your wishes, and warm comment about the post.
@ Mahesh Kumar: Thanks for the wishes, dude.
@ TPH: Thanks much.
@ Mr.Walker: Lois Lane comic was just a flash in the pan type of series, an offshoot of long running Superman series. Should be hard to find in the market I believe. Thx for the wishes.
@ Cap Tiger: Thanks much for your wishes, buddy.
@ Murugan: Eligible Bachelors have become a scarce species these days. No wonder they are being hunted and domesticated for life :)
Relating my marriage news to Comics for this cherished blog of ours, was a long pending idea, which I actually wanted to address it as an announcement for the marriage before-hand. My own procrastination, coupled with new-found commitments, delayed until today. Now I can breath a sigh of relief to have announced my good moment to all our friends.
By the way, Phantom & Mandrake, and so many others were certainly missed but deliberately, since I couldn't fit them all into one blog post, considering the length of the topic. Nevertheless, to go with yours and Siv's comment, I have now updated the blog post with a Mandrake and Phantom reference. Phantom's is a sweet occassion, which we will detail more as we move towards our Phantom series, which has been long pending from seeing the daylight :).
Thanks much for your personal visit on my union, and also your warm comments and wishes over here, dear old friend.
Seriously you could have kept this post till April 14th. :)Nice write up as usual.
@ Mr.J: Well, for me the V-Day has already started ;)
How to view your "Vimanika Comics - Moksha | The Sixth | #2 - 2009" post. Its appearing in some side bars as latest post in your blog
Hi Rafiq,
Too busy now a days. I assume your trying to adjust with the new way of life :).
Cool to see you still active in the Blog. Hopeing for the next post to happen before new year.
any way. Wish you a Happy New Year.
@ Siv: Dear Siv, sorry for the confusion. I had to put that post in the backburner, to work on few additions. Nevertheless, the post is now online, for your reading.
@ Anony: Added responsibilities, obviously meant lesser time for other hobbies. But, I am doing what I could on my second love over here, whenever I get time. There are two new posts, awaiting you, and all before the new year dawns :). Enjoy Reading, my friend.
By the way, hope you would have left a nickname for yourself. It would be good to track your revisit :)
சொல்லவேயில்ல?!!!!!!!!! :( :(
வாழ்த்துகள்.... ரஃபீக்!! :) :) :)
Congratulations Rafiq!!!
இன்னுமொரு ஹிட்-விக்கெட்!!!
Welcome back!!!
காமசூத்ரா பற்றி எல்லாம் எழுதுகிறீர்கள், இது நியாயமா :)). வாருங்கள் அன்பு நண்பரே.
உங்கள் வரவே காதலும் அன்பும் நிறைந்த வரவாக அமைந்திருப்பதில் ஆச்சர்யம் இல்லை.
சிறப்பான பதிவு. உங்களால் காமிக்ஸ் உலகில் காணமுடிந்த ஜோடிகள் பற்றி உங்கள் தேர்ந்த நடையில் எழுதியிருக்கிறீர்கள். அருமையான தெரிவுகள்.
தொடரட்டும் அதிரடி
Just a question,does your wife knows your this special passion and what's her take on it?? :-))
Between, belated Happy Birthday and once again wish a very Happy Married Life,filled with love(and more comics!!) :-)
PS - Once some blogger on TCP blog commneted how his wife secretly bought some 20-30 Indrajals just to gift him on his BD(and she bought those few months back from some old sellers and kept in a hidden place all those months!:o))
I think ALL Comic-lovers like us wish this kinda wifey...haha!!
wow.. wow.. wow...
welcome back ரஃபீக்! :) எப்படி இருக்கீங்க?! :)
Me the first... . I will comment....
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