| Lion Comics has finally made its way back, with their latest issue, the first in 2009. The title also marks the completion of the brands 25th Anniversary. Lion Comics #205, was released way back in November last year, so it was a pleasant surprise to see this latest title arrive home.
Offlate, there is an increased focus on the cover-art, where they seem to be using the latest technologies in photo editing to improve them tri-fold, from the originals which inspire them. Look at the burning fire at the background, and the Corrigan badge on the top-right, along with the stylist lettering used for the title. It’s so good to see the legendary Lion Comics utilising the tools available in the modern era, to keep them up with the international standards. |
Editor in his Hotline, highlights the delay factor, (He also managed to find a link between that and the title of the present issue, in his typical humorous style) and cites the difficulty in the sales, and dealing with the news agents, as a backdrop for the long miss-out, yet again. But he also conveys that this will be a new innings for Lion Comics; and his intention to unveil a new plan, to reach the readers directly, instead of relying on the news-agents.
Let’s hope that as per his promise, we would get to see more regular issues, which will enthuse the readers to agree to his plans once he finds the right time to reveal it to all. Editor for instance has promised Modesty, Chick Bill, and another 3-part Tex Willer story in his future line-up, and claims that we will be seeing a lot more Coming Soon advertisements in the forthcoming issues, just like the good old times.
Seems that the recent comics fanfare witnessed through the releases of Euro Books and CineBook in India, have really boosted Editor Mr.S Vijayan to jump-in on the bandwagon himself.
Editor also announces that the XIII Collector Edition is still hanging in balance, as the advanced booking has still not reached the magic number of 900. To keep up the tempo he has released the list off 100+ early-bid readers, who have booked their copy in advance. So, those who are staying back from booking your issue, the time is now, to see it in fruition by the year end. Somehow my name is missing out from the list, which looks like I would have to reconfirm, again :-(
For those who are waiting to pick up your copy at local bookshops, it’s time you start checking out for the issue. I will hold on the review of the stories at Comicology, so as to let other readers experience the issue first-up.
As a preview, here are the first-page of two Corrigan stories which decorates this month Lion issue.
The two stories are:
1. Maandavan Meendaan (மாண்டவன் மீண்டான்!), meaning ‘Dead springs back to Life’
2. Raajyathirku Oru Rani (ராஜ்ஜியத்திற்கு ஒரு ராணி!), meaning ‘A Queen for the Kingdom’
You could notice that the artwork for both the stories totally different, about which we will see more along with the background details about Phil Corrigan aka Super Agent X-
9 comics series, when we go down reviewing this Lion comics title, in a couple of week’s time.
So, if your are not a subscriber, then don’t miss out from grabbing your copy, at your news-stands. :)
To wrap-up, here is the inner-cover, which once again features a teaser to the XIII Collector Special, while the second outer cover previews the upcoming Mandrake issue on Muthu Comics, titled Nizhal Ethu? Nijam Ethu? (நிழல் எது? நிஜம் எது?), which is a translated version of the original Mandrake adventure titled ‘Mirror People’. Makes for an interesting wait.
Updates to follow, meanwhile Happy Reading, Comikers !!
53 ComiComments:
Good post announcing a very good news that the latest issue of our beloved comics is out. Thank you.
I would like to see the hotline as it will take me a few weeks to receive the book in the US after release. I want to see what the editor has to say about the future of the comics and the XIII issue.
பிலிப் காரிகனின் கதையின் அட்டைப் படம் சிறப்பாக இருக்கிறது. குறிப்பாக பின்னால் இருக்கும் தீப்பிழம்பு, காதல் தளபதி ஜோஸ் அவர்களின் படங்களில் இடம் பெறும்- லாரிகள் வெடித்து சிதற, அதன் ஊடாக சிலோமோஷனில் ஜோஸ் மிடுக்குடன் நடந்து வருவதை நினைவூட்டுகிறது.
பதிவை விரைவில் எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்.
உற்சாகத்துடன் தொடருங்கள் நண்பரே.
ரஃபிக், முன்னோட்டம் சிறப்பாக இருக்கிறது. காமிக்ஸ் விலையில் மாற்றங்கள் ஏதும் காணப்படவில்லை என்பதும் ஆச்சர்யமே. ஆசிரியரின் திட்டம் என்ன என்பதை அறிய காத்திருக்கிறேன்.
மாண்டவன் மீண்டால் கதையின் முதல் பக்கத்தில்காணப்படும் சித்திரங்களின் நேர்த்தி மற்றய கதையில் காணப்படவில்லை. பதிவை ஆவலுடன் எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்.
உற்சாகத்துடன் தொடருங்கள்.
Thank you for the update. I am happy to see our editor's renewed enthusiasm. I was hoping for a classic Corrigan story with Al Williamson art, and slightly disappointed that this is a George Evans story, but will reserve my judgement until I read the story. I hope the editor will revive old classics like "Madalaya Marmam" in the comics classics series at least. Does anyone know if he reads these comments of ours?
What's the deal with the other comics blogs....they have shut readers like me out, and have made them "invitation only" :(
Hi everybody,
This is indeed a happy experience, logging in & reading these blogs on a variety of comics ! And I'm more than happy that our Lion Comics is back on the rails !
Muthu Comics -Mandrake episode is getting printed and would be on sale in a week's time. Comics Classics in the bigger format bearing Maayavi's "Vinvezhi Kollaiyar" will be out simultaneously as well.
And yes, the next issue of Lion Comics will see a lot of our popular side-shows make a return. "Coming soon" advts ; the Vaasagar Hotline pages ; reviews of our top hits from yester-years will all find place. Suggestions / comments would always be most welcome !!
Comics Classics will bring in more reprints this year ! Irumbukkai Maayavi's "Kazhimann Manithargal" is next in line. Johnny Nero's "Kolaikkara Kalaignan" in the original Fleetway size & format will be the one to follow.
And yes, the much awaited XIII Collector's special can do with some faster pre-bookings ! The names of the other readers who have made the pre-bookings already will appear in the following issues. Hope the days to come will usher in a better response !! Keeping my fingers crossed.
And yes, the Comics scenario in India has never been better ! The recent launch of the 24 Lucky Luke titles in wonderful colour by Eurobooks in English makes for a stunning collection for all comics readers. But one thing that'll be strikingly obvious to our readers would be the quality of humour amongst these 24 tales.
The ones that we had done in Tamil amongst these 24 books (Pony Express ; Fingers ; The Daily Star; Nitroglycerine ; Lucky Luke's fiancee) stand out in the story quality and the humour content ! Some of the other episodes are a bit average,but this happens in a long series. To sustain the same levels of humour and story content can be a very tough ask indeed ! The Tex Willer series is another example of this problem ; over a collection of 600+ stories, there can sometimes be very average ones too !
But in this context it's my firm opinion that the Chick Bill tales (which is again a cartoon series on the Wild West) have a very consistent story quality. I am yet to see a mediocre story in this series! Readers may disagree ; this are merely my thoughts and in no way a comparison between Lucky Luke & Chick Bill either !! If Eurobooks were to publish Chick Bill in English as well, we would have an even wider collection of wonderful tales ! The print quality & the finishing of Eurobooks is awesome to say the least !!
I'll (b)log in again in a week's time, hopefully with Muthu Comics & Comics Classics out in the stands by then ! Bye till then & happy reading everybody !
"Somehow my name is missing out from the list, which looks like I would have to reconfirm, again :-("
I have always noticed that Vijayan does not count regular subscribers like us in his early booking list. Only people who are not subscribers and request the specific title via the booking form are shown. If he counts his subscribers like yourself, Muthu Fan etc, the numbers will be much higher.
Dear Vijayan,
Just as I finished writing my comment wondering "does our editor read our comments" I see that you have posted your comment. What a happy co-incidence! :)
Are you going to re-release "Kolaikara Kalaignan" again in original Fleetway size? I love that idea! You have already released this story in the classic series about 4 years ago, but I am willing to buy it again for the better quality and size.
Let's have more classic issues in a regular manner, at least 4 per year.
மதிப்பிற்குரிய ஆசிரியர் அவர்கள் உங்கள் பதிவில் விரிவாக ஒர் பின்னூட்டம் இட்டு வாசகர்களையும், அதனை விட அதிகமாக உங்களையும் மகிழ்வித்து உள்ளார்.
உங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியில் என்னையும் இணைத்துக் கொள்கிறேன்.
உற்சாகத்துடன் தொடருங்கள்
மதிப்பிற்குரிய எடிட்டர் விஜயனின் விஜயம் மற்றும் அறிவிப்பு சித்திரக் கதை ரசிகர்களை மகிழ்ச்சிக்குள்ளாக்கும் என்பதில் எவ்வித ஐயமில்லை.
1980-களை போல மீண்டும் சித்திரக் கதைகளின் பொற்காலம் திரும்பட்டும் என ஆசைப்படுகிறேன்.
வெளியான அன்றே சுடச்சுட விமர்சனமா? எனக்கு இன்னும் புத்தகம் கிடைக்கவில்லை. படித்துவிட்டு என்னுடைய கருத்தை சொல்கிறேன்.
hai iam Rajaganesh iam waiting this book ya so wait
This site is getting enlightened with the comment of Mr Vijayan, for which we are fans. After several years of closure of the lion site, it is a modest welcome we have to provide and reassure his frequent visits and comments. The news given by him are like honey, as usual, and still I find the magical power in those words. Rafiq can be proud of!
Don't have much to say,just to say just like ACK, there was chandamama and champak. :)
Vijayan sir, welcome back to comics world. Thanks for keeping our comics love alilve
Persons like are doesn't having a permanent address (Bachelor). In this case getting books through post is difficult for me. Will your new marketing method ok for these kind of issues.
Also I think it is time to bring fresh readers to lion comics. Its a responsibility of both (Readers / Firm). More children and Teenagers should read lion comics.
Sir pls do anything you want but we need books at least 20 per year.
காரிகன் படித்துப் பல ஆண்டுகளாயிற்று. வாங்கிப் படிக்க வேண்டும். XIIIக்கு முன்பதிவு செய்து இரண்டு ஆண்டுகளாயிற்று. 900 முன்பதிவுகள் முடிய இன்னும் ஒரு ஆண்டு ஆனாலும் விஜயன் பொறுமை காத்து வெளியிட்டுவிடுவார் போலும். நமக்குத்தான் பொறுமை வருடக்கணக்கில் இருப்பதில்லை. திரு. விஜயன் அவர்களே, இது நாயமா?
மாண்டவன் மீண்டான்! வெளியான செய்தியை கூறியதற்கு நன்றி . ஆனால் இன்னும் சென்னை கடைகளை கிடைக்கவில்லை.
இரு கதைகளின் முதல் பக்கங்களை வெளியிட்டு அசத்தி விட்டீர்கள் . இது படிக்க மேலும் ஆர்வத்தை தூண்டுகிறது .
ஆசிரியர் விஜயனின் விஜயம் ஒரு இன்ப அதிர்ச்சி. மாயாவியின் விண்வெளி கொள்ளையர் பெரிய அளவில் வரவிருப்பது பற்றி கூறியது மகிழ்ச்சி அளிக்கிறது .அட்டை படத்தை பற்றி குறிப்பிட்டேயாகவேண்டும் . மிக அருமை .
விரைவில் முழு பதிவை எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்
@ S.Vijayan: Dear Editor Sir, Welcome back to Comicology.
Thanks pretty much for bringing the Lion Comics, back after a prolonged gap, even after facing the regular hurdles which has always been the showstoppers for our beloved comics.
As you cited, the comics scenario in India is indeed in a much better shape, albiet it is for English comics, the enthusiasm is clearly shown with Euro Books and CineBook vying for the top spot with regular and lot releases. Only the comic fans would be the happier lot at the end of the day. I am more happy that the only Tamil Comics brand, active today, is continuing its legacy among the new players, just like you.
I also agree with your thought that not all the Lucky Luke editions are that humorous enough. As cited by you, the lengthier a series gets, the more the number of shoddy titles we would experience in their line-up. As long as you are going to pick and choose them for us, we need not worry ever over the selection :).
No wonder, why everyone is still a fan for Chick Bill along with Lucky Luke. I was told that CineBook is actively looking towards acquiring the rights for Chick Bill, so the days won't be far, when we will see the English editions also be available for us in India. Then that will make a complete collection as Tamil & English are going to vye for the best translation spot for Chick Bill stories. I am keeping my fingers crossed. :)
What's more, Muthu Comics & Comics Classics in a week's time, or by this month.... now that would be a welcome effort. Looking forward for them, if not for anything else at least for the pleasure of seeing you back at our blog. :) I am also happy to hear that you are going to add another Classics with Original fleetway size for Johny Nero. If possible, I would request you to continue publishing Classics only in that format, even if it means that it would carry only one title. Our old classics deserves that premium edition status. Hope every readers would agree with me.
Vaasagar Hotline was one of the head-features even rivaling your regular Hotline feature, so I am glad that it will be back from our next issue.
Reviews of our Top Hits... now that is going to be a treasure for all those who have read that in the past, and a chance for others to experience the euphoria as it was during their release.
Coming Soon Adverts are no doubt going to decorate and will go a long way to keep our readers amused to look forward for the next issues. Thanks again for bringing this unique feature revolutionized by Lion Comics.
I am waiting to hear the good news on the XIII collector special launch date announcement. Believe me, the moment you are going to announce a fixed date, the booking numbers will shoot up over the target within a week's time. Many of my friends whom I met, were only reluctant to pay since they don't have a rigid date to bet against.
Lastly, Vijayan Sir, I am so humbled to see your appearance again in our blog. It reminds me of the good old days we enjoyed on the Discussion forum, when the LionComics.com website was active. Good to hear that you would be back again, and like others, I am also looking forward to hear from the mind of the person who is behind these wonderful Tamil comics titles we have been enjoying for decades now. Thanks much for keeping the Tamil Comics flag flying strong like ever. :)
@ BN: Hope you enjoyed the Hotline. I have always posted our Hotline along with my preview and review, and I was about to update them, by then you had made it first-up to comment. Thanks much for your support, friend.
I hope you found only good news about our Tamil Comics. Sorry to have kept you in suspense for a day :).
Even i was expecting a Al Williamson Corrigan story... but seems Editor has a wide variety of story choices to choose from, so I am hoping to hear back from the readers their thoughts before publishing my review. To say upfront, the second story artwork is so poor to be compared even with the 1st. It looks so immature, to say the least.
Now, you know that our Editor does read comments. I have seen from logs that he regularly checks the happening on blog-o-sphere whenever he finds time. But, I am happy that off late he has shown his enthusiasm in taking part and making his presence felt. Thanks much to him for that change, which I believe was only made possible by the active participation by comic friends like you, who have always dreamt on the betterment of our comics. Hope that our passion and comics hobby always stays like this forever. :)
I was little disappointed not seeing my name in the top list of XIII Advance Booking, now happy that I have in company long time friends like you too. :) As long as I receive my copy, I am not going to complain much ;)
4 per year is always our dream... but I would also be happy if we get a minimum of at the least 12 titles a year, (Lion,Muthu,Classics combined). That's going to keep our readers engaged month after month. Anything more is always a blessing :)
@ Shankar: அட்டைபடத் தரத்தை விவரிக்க என்னால் வார்த்தைகளை தேட முடியவில்லை. தீப்பிளம்பின் நடுவே என்ன அட்டகாசமாக போஸ் கொடுத்து கொண்டிருக்கிறார் பாருங்கள் காரிகன். சமீப காலமாக அட்டை படம் மெருகேறி கொண்டே வருவது, விஜயன் மற்றும் அவர் கூட்டணியின் அதீத அக்கறையை பறை சாற்றுகிறது. அது எப்போதும் தொடர வேண்டும் என்பதே என் அவா.
காமிக்ஸ் விலையில் தற்போது எந்த மாற்றத்தையும் ஏற்படுத்த போவதில்லை என்று தான் தகவல் கிடைக்கிறது. விஜயனின் வாசகர்களை நேரடியாக சென்றடையும் உத்தியை பற்றி அவர் மேலும் விவரிக்கும் போது அதை பற்றி நமக்கு அதிக விவரங்கள் தெரிய வரலாம். தரத்தை உயர்த்தி, 20 ரூபாய் விலை வைத்தாலும் நான் உள்ளேன் ஐயா என்று முதலில் கையை தூக்க தயார்.
விஜயனின் வருகை நம் அனைவரின் காமிக்ஸ் காதலுக்கு கிடைத்த மரியாதை. நண்பர்கள் எப்போதும் அந்த காதலை தவற விடாமல் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்பது தான் நான் அதிகம் வேண்டி கொள்பது.
புத்தகத்தை எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன் என்று கூறாமல், என் முழுமையான பதிவை எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன் என்று கூறி என்னை மகிழ்ச்சியில் உச்சாணி கொம்பில் ஏற்றி விட்டீர்கள். உங்கள் நம்பிக்கையை இந்த பதிவை இரண்டு வாரங்களிள் பூர்த்தி செய்யும்போது காப்பாற்றுவேன் என்று நம்புகிறேன். :)
நீங்களும், உங்கள் லயன் காமிக்ஸ் பிரதி வந்து சேர்ந்தவுடன், கருத்துகளை பதிய மறவாதீர் :)
@ Josh: 1980 களின் தமிழ் காமிக்ஸ் பொற்காலத்தை திரும்பவும் அனுபவிக்க யார் தான் ஆசைபடவில்லை.... மாதம் ஒரு புத்தகம் வெளியானாலே அதில் பாதியை நிகழ்காலத்தில் உணரும் எண்ணத்தை தோற்றுவிக்கலாம். விஜயன் இம்முறை சாதிப்பார் என்றே நம்புகிறேன்.
விமர்சனம் இன்னும் பாக்கி உள்ளது தோழா... இப்போதைக்கு இது முன்னோட்ட பதிவுதான். நீங்கள் உட்பட நண்பர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் புத்தகம் கிடைத்த பின் பிய்த்து மேய்ந்து விடலாம் (புத்தகத்தை அல்ல, கதையை) :)
@ Spider: Yes, the artist for the both series are new from the ones we experienced so far of Corrigan stories. Hope you have read the story already. :)
@ Ganes: Don't worry, dude. Like always, we will wait until all the subscribers, and those who buy from bookstores receive their copy, before reviewing the story. We are waiting too :).
@ KK: Brother, I guess you posted this comment at the wrong post, which was meant for Chandamama. the previous post at Comicology :). I will reply you over there... By the way, thanks for those links in advance.
@ Murugan: Hotline was indeed so hot with so many big time news. Hope the momentum will be maintained :)
@ ERB: The sight of seeing our editor take part in discussion, does bring those nostalgic feeling, when we were expecting a comment from him now and then on the lion discussion forum. Isn't it ?
Kudos to him, for having spent some time to take part in our fan bragging again. Rest assured, we won't leave his trail go unnoticed :).
@ Siv: I can understand your difficulty of subscribing, when you won't be able to pin down a certain address. But any Direct Marketing requires a physical fixed location, and I hope that whatever plan our Editor is going to unveil would also rely on that concept.
Probably, you could use your hometown address to get a copy without any problem. Many of the friends I know, do use this option, so that they can read our books whenever they visit their hometown, and also can safely assume that they will never be missing any title.
I second your thought, that we should try to bring young readers into the fold. I am planning to sponsor a comic each for a class of students at my old school this year, so as to grow their comics passion. Hopefully, I will do it this year. At home, I have already practiced my nephews and nieces to read few comics. Hopefully, they will keep our passion alive, along-with and after us :)
20 per year... I would love too... But a more ambitious thought would be 12 titles a year... Only Vijayan can vouch for either of this :). Let's stay hopeful.
@ சாத்தான்: காரிகன் கதைகளுக்கு எவர்தான் ரசிகர் இல்லை. மிக நாட்கள் கழித்து அவர் கதைகளை வாசித்ததில் மிக்க மகிழ்ச்சி தான்.
நானும் XIII சேகரிப்பாளர் ஸ்பெஷல் பிரதிக்காக வருடக்கணக்கில் காத்து கொண்டு தான் இருக்கிறேன். விஜயன் சீக்கிரம் ஆவண செய்வார் என்று எண்ணுகிறேன். அவர் 2005 ல் இப்படி ஒரு எண்ணம் இருப்பதை வெளியிட்டதாக நியாபகம்... 4 ஆண்டுகள் ஆகி விட்டன என்று நினைத்தாலே பிரம்மிப்பாக இருக்கிறது.
ஒரு காமிக்ஸை வெளியிடுவதில் இருக்கும் சிரமம், அதுவும் பிராந்திய மொழியில், விஜயனுக்கு மட்டுமே தெரியுமாகையால், அவரின் இந்த தாமதங்களை பொறுத்தாழ மனைதை திட படுத்தி கொள்ள வேண்டியதுதான். நமக்கு அது பழகிய விஷயம் என்பது கூடுதல் தகுதி :)
Tamil K: வழக்கமாக சந்தாதாரர்களுக்கு புத்தகம் கிடைத்த ஒரு-இரு வாரங்களில் கடைகளில் அது சரளமாக கிடைக்க ஆரம்பிக்கும். எனவே, தவற விடாதீர்கள்.
முதல் பக்கங்கள் கதையை படிக்க ஆர்வத்தை தூண்டவே. விஜயன் அதற்கு அனுமதி அளிப்பார் என்றே நம்பி வெளியிடுகிறேன். மற்றபடி கதையின் முடிவை தெரிவிக்கும் எந்த ஸ்கானையும் வெளியிடும் எண்ணம் இல்லை. அது புத்தகத்தை வாசிப்பவர்களுக்கு மட்டும் சொந்தமான பக்கங்கள். :)
நண்பர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் புத்தகம் கிடைத்தவுடன் முழு பதிவையும் அரங்கேற்றி விடுகிறேன்.
It is nice to see old comics-colleagues like ERB and others posting comments after Vijayan's post. It is almost like a family get-together :)
I agree with Vijayan that it is the quality of the translation that raises even a mediocre story to an extraordinary level. I have read the original English Fleetway issues of many Johnny Nero, Barracuda & Steel Claw stories and they are very very bland and boring to read in English. The magic of the Muthu Comics translation alone made these stories so lively and thrilling to read.
Rafiq, keep up the good work brother!
This is really a great news that Mandrake finally coming back in India....after a looong long gap!!
hope to see more of him...:-)
ஆசிரியர் விஜயன் அவர்களின் விஜயம் மகிழ்ச்ச்சி தருகிறது. இன்னும் புத்தகக்கங்கள் வாங்கவில்லை. இனிமேலாவது தொடர்ந்து நமது காமிக்ஸ்கள் வெளிவரும் என்று நம்புகிறேன். எனது சகோதரன் சிவகாசி சென்று எனக்கு தேவையான 15 புத்தககங்கள் வாங்கி வந்தான். சிக் பில், டைகர், டெக்ஸ் கதைகள்.மேலும் பல வித்தியாசமான பதிவுகள் நீங்கள் வெளியிட வாழ்த்துக்கள்.
Welcome back Mr. Vijayan. Thanks for your comments.
Yes got this book. Last Sunday i went to Lion comics office at Sivakasi and bought this one.
Front page, it is really nice. I hope that the next issues also like this.
Forget one thing, I already read next Muthu release some time before. Is it reprint or already published in Rani Comics or Dinamani paper?
I'm feeling excited on seeing Vijayan's anoouncement on reprints on Kazhimann Manitharkal and Koliakkara Kalaigan.I request Vijayan to reprint Vedhalar and Cisco Kid stories also
@ BN: It's indeed a family get-together, which we last cherished when the Lion Comics Discussion Forum was live. Good to see that no one has lost any passion towards our beloved hobby.
I need to support your view too, as Quality of the Translation does form an important part in any venture. Obviously, when we read something in our mother tongue, we have the attachment towards it which ultimately adds all the Oomph factor which required for seamless reading of a comic. Expecting that on English titles is going to be real hard, as most of the translators are going to stick to the original and some even go as far as to make a literal translation of every word or sentence. Luckily, this time the Euro Books venture wasn't that bad, and I guess that the base Lucky Luke stories were the main reason for that :)
With friends & brothers like you in arms, we are going to grow together and cherish our passion day after day. No doubts abt it, Dear BN :)
@ MaNdrAke dudE: Brother, as per the Editor, he has loads and loads of classic Mandrake stories still in pipeline, so we might see atleast 1 or 2 title of Mandrake every year :). I am happy that someone in India, even if it is in regional language, is still continuing to give credit to one of Lee Falk's Immortal Comic characters.
@ Cap Tiger: நண்பர் சிவ்,
சிவகாசி சென்று வரும் வாய்ப்பு இன்னும் எனக்கு கிட்டவில்லை. நண்பர்கள் அந்த சந்தோஷத்தை பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளும் போது நேரில் நானே அங்கு சென்று வந்த உவகையை அடைகிறேன். சிக்பில், டெக்ஸ் என்று காமிக்ஸ் படையலை ரசிக்க போகிறீர்கள்... மஜா செய்யுங்கள்.
திரு. விஜயன், கூற்றுபடி இனி நமது காமிக்ஸ்களை நாம் அதிக இடைவேளை இல்லாமல் ரசிக்கலாம் என்று நம்புகிறேன். நம்பிக்கையுடன் தொடர்வோம்.
வித்தியாசமான பதிவுகளை இடும் முயற்சி என்றென்றும் தொடரும் நண்பரே. வாழ்த்துகளுக்கு நன்றி. :)
@ Ramesh: Ramesh seems your comics hunt is taking you to all cities. Enjoy Buddy. Believe me the next cover is also going to follow the same layout. Kudos to the team who designed it. I guess Vijayan's brother Prakash would have definitely been involved in the new design.
I don't remember reading this Mandrake story in Rani Comics, and IJC friends say that they didn't see this getting published in Indrajal either. So, probably you might have read this in Dinamani, which printed some classic series regularly. Anyways, we can now enjoy the strip in a complete comic book. :)
@ Cisco: I also wish that Cisco comes back in Classics format. Lion featured some of the classic ones in their line-up. The last time I remember Cisco was featured in Lion/Muthu was in Lion #200, a couple of years back... So, he is certainly due for an re-appearance :)
Thanks for letting us know about the latest issue. I remember when lioncomics.com was active i used to check for your comment since i know u will b the first one to post about new release. Thanks again.
thanks for the update. I'm (Mr. J) form Sri Lanka and still this book is not available in stores :(
Anyway waiting for your review :)
Please read and comment on my Comics Addict Blog
Mr. J
Comics classics latest issue விண்வெளி கொள்ளையர் has come. IT is in big size with 60 pages. A big treat with this full size story. Next is my favourite களிமண் மனிதர்கள்
@ Karthikeyan: So good to meet another long-time comic reader from our Lion Comics Discussion Forum era. It was such a good time we had over there, and I am happy that we are able to replicate at least part of that excitement with this humble website of ours.
Keep Visiting, Old friend.
@ Mr.J: I guess it takes more than 2 to 3 weeks for the overseas subscribers to get their copy, or find the issue available at local stores. It's something which have be to improved, as we shouldn't be the only ones who should witness our beloved comics first-up.
Whenever I have left India on business trips, I had the same feeling that I wouldn't be one of the first person to touch our comics. So, I understand that feeling of yours.
By the way, love your nickname... :) and you have got a good blog going up there, Congrats. You can count on me being a regular visitor.
@ ErB & Spider: Thanks for the update. I also received my subscription copy of latest Comics Classics, and a preview post is on at Comicology over here. Happy Reading, folks. :)
Hi Friend,
May I know as whre in chennai can I buy old tamil comic books. I am a die hard fan of tamil comics. I tried at some second hand book shops but managed to buy only 7 books.
@ Sathrapathy: Dear Buddy, you are lucky to have found old issues of our comics in old book shops, even if they were only 7 of them. It has become quite a hard task, as the regularity of our comics has meant, that Old issues are scavenged by the enthusiastic fans. Try out Moore Market, which does keep bringing up some rare titles then and there. But frankly speaking, it's long time since I saw any old issue appearing in there either.
Anyways, best of luck in your search.
Today, fortunately i got the time to check out my old memories about how i learnt things from lion and muthu comics. Hummm.. it's really a breath taking experience. I really miss comics from Mr. S. Vijayan. I grew up reading his comics in salem, tamilnadu. I'm still searching for "Iratha Padalam" series. If somebody can give it to me, i'm ready to pay triple the value of the series. I'm a great fan of lion and muthu comics as well as rani comics. Howerver, time and destiny is something we cannot control. It changed our lives a lot. I wish the world was the same like 1990. With lot of memories, Bala from Bangalore.
@ Bala: Dear Bala, not only you, almost all the kids who spent their childhood in 80's and early 90's, would have had a glimpse of what was in offer through these vintage Tamil Comics. I am one among them.
I had shared my story that I only learned to read Tamil by reading the then famous Rani Comics. My encounters with Lion and Muthu, were only later. Those golden periods, would never be repeated again.
I don't know, whether you are aware of Irathapadalam or XIII series, which is soon to be published as Mega Special by Prakash Publishers, which is due anytime in the coming months. So, contact them and book your order, so you don't have to run behind earlier collectors for satisfying your urge. :)
By the way, good to be in touch with another comic friend from Bangalore. :)
@ Sathrapathy: Dear Buddy, you are lucky to have found old issues of our comics in old book shops, even if they were only 7 of them. It has become quite a hard task, as the regularity of our comics has meant, that Old issues are scavenged by the enthusiastic fans. Try out Moore Market, which does keep bringing up some rare titles then and there. But frankly speaking, it's long time since I saw any old issue appearing in there either.
Anyways, best of luck in your search.
ஆசிரியர் விஜயன் அவர்களின் விஜயம் மகிழ்ச்ச்சி தருகிறது. இன்னும் புத்தகக்கங்கள் வாங்கவில்லை. இனிமேலாவது தொடர்ந்து நமது காமிக்ஸ்கள் வெளிவரும் என்று நம்புகிறேன். எனது சகோதரன் சிவகாசி சென்று எனக்கு தேவையான 15 புத்தககங்கள் வாங்கி வந்தான். சிக் பில், டைகர், டெக்ஸ் கதைகள்.மேலும் பல வித்தியாசமான பதிவுகள் நீங்கள் வெளியிட வாழ்த்துக்கள்.
Don't have much to say,just to say just like ACK, there was chandamama and champak. :)
hai iam Rajaganesh iam waiting this book ya so wait
Hi everybody,
This is indeed a happy experience, logging in & reading these blogs on a variety of comics ! And I'm more than happy that our Lion Comics is back on the rails !
Muthu Comics -Mandrake episode is getting printed and would be on sale in a week's time. Comics Classics in the bigger format bearing Maayavi's "Vinvezhi Kollaiyar" will be out simultaneously as well.
And yes, the next issue of Lion Comics will see a lot of our popular side-shows make a return. "Coming soon" advts ; the Vaasagar Hotline pages ; reviews of our top hits from yester-years will all find place. Suggestions / comments would always be most welcome !!
Comics Classics will bring in more reprints this year ! Irumbukkai Maayavi's "Kazhimann Manithargal" is next in line. Johnny Nero's "Kolaikkara Kalaignan" in the original Fleetway size & format will be the one to follow.
And yes, the much awaited XIII Collector's special can do with some faster pre-bookings ! The names of the other readers who have made the pre-bookings already will appear in the following issues. Hope the days to come will usher in a better response !! Keeping my fingers crossed.
And yes, the Comics scenario in India has never been better ! The recent launch of the 24 Lucky Luke titles in wonderful colour by Eurobooks in English makes for a stunning collection for all comics readers. But one thing that'll be strikingly obvious to our readers would be the quality of humour amongst these 24 tales.
The ones that we had done in Tamil amongst these 24 books (Pony Express ; Fingers ; The Daily Star; Nitroglycerine ; Lucky Luke's fiancee) stand out in the story quality and the humour content ! Some of the other episodes are a bit average,but this happens in a long series. To sustain the same levels of humour and story content can be a very tough ask indeed ! The Tex Willer series is another example of this problem ; over a collection of 600+ stories, there can sometimes be very average ones too !
But in this context it's my firm opinion that the Chick Bill tales (which is again a cartoon series on the Wild West) have a very consistent story quality. I am yet to see a mediocre story in this series! Readers may disagree ; this are merely my thoughts and in no way a comparison between Lucky Luke & Chick Bill either !! If Eurobooks were to publish Chick Bill in English as well, we would have an even wider collection of wonderful tales ! The print quality & the finishing of Eurobooks is awesome to say the least !!
I'll (b)log in again in a week's time, hopefully with Muthu Comics & Comics Classics out in the stands by then ! Bye till then & happy reading everybody !
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